3 years, 2 months ago by bhaktamarcotorres in Personal Sadhana Reports

ASA - AGTSP... "KD-PC" is not the Kapi Dhvaja-Priority Code. 😀 The KD-PC is in the Kapi Dhvaja normally but we forgot to put it in the current issue. Next issue it will be there!

Hare Krishna GM , acepte mis respetuosas reverencias, TLGSP 🙏🏼🙏🏼 . El año pasado y lo que ha transcurrido de este,2021 ,me han ocurrido muchas cosas muy complicadas , entre esas cosas ,2 de mis hermanos entregaron el cuerpo ,me he quedado solo al cuidado de mi mamá ,ella tiene 88 años, pero a pesar de todo lo sucedido , sigo firme con mis rondas , con mi lectura ,y atendiendo a mis Deidades en casa, procuro tener asociación con los Devotos , mayormente ,vía telefónica ,pues tengo que estar las 24 horas del día al cuidado de mi mamá. Apenas el día 6 de octubre entrego el cuerpo mi sobrino a quien cuide desde que era bebe hasta los 7 años, me dolió mucho pero los santos nombres me dieron mucha fuerza y el apoyo de los Devotos, Madre Astasaki Devi Dasi , siempre estuvo apoyandome junto con su esposo. UD ha estado viajando , que el Señor supremo ,Sri KRISHNA lo guarde y lo proteja siempre 🙏🏼. Acepte mis respetuosas reverencias GM🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 su aspirante a sirviente : Marco Antonio Galván Torres.


Hare Krishna GM, please accept my respectful obeisances TLGSP 🙏🏼🙏🏼. Last year and what has happened in this, 2021, many very complicated things have happened to me, among those things, 2 of my brothers gave up the body,

HpS - Is like Narada Muni losing his mother in the first canto, chapter (?) six.

I have been left alone in the care of my mother, she is 88 years old, but to Despite everything that happened, I am still firm with my rounds, with my reading, and attending to my Deities at home, I try to have association with the Devotees, mostly by phone, because I have to be in the care of my mother 24 hours a day . Just on October 6, my nephew gave the body to whom I took care of since he was a baby until he was 7 years old, it hurt a lot but the holy names gave me a lot of strength and the support of the Devotees, Mother Astasaki Devi Dasi, was always supporting me together with her husband. You have been traveling, may the Supreme Lord, Sri KRISHNA keep and protect you always 🙏🏼. Please accept my respectful obeisances GM🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 his would-be servant: Marco Antonio Galván Torres.

HpS - From your letter you are ready not only for first initiation but second, and third! We hope that this can happen soon. Can you get a letter of recommendation from the Temple President!

Staying in this body or going to another for relatives for a person like you is done under the supervision of the Lord and His servants. We all have to die, but some die with good prospects!!