DTC 20(Th)

3 years, 3 months ago by hps in DTC




SP!! p a o h o!!! 🙏

Thursday comes and Thursday goes and still we have 10 nice toes.

No one has written to us with the FMP or KDh Priority Codes, so I guess there are no priority messages.

Our individual priority of taking Prasadam only in the association of devotees. It is a little tough, fitting into the schedule and menu of the Ashrama here, but we are learning, and the cooks are learning what offerings the Lord likes, needs.

It means that we are rather weak some times, but that is good. We are weak. We push ourselves in different social positions with strong foods that artificially stimulate the liver, stomach etc. and then we get more work, but in the long run we are weaker both at the end of the week and at the end of the body.

Humble means to accept how much you can actually do, and accept the social, political, respect you receive for that, but fully conscious that the Lord who sees all things in private will reward you in private.


Won't push to answer more Blog posts right now, but look to our other priorities, and see that that becomes the basis of answering Blog posts.

Hare Krsna!!

Hare Rama!!