
3 years, 2 months ago by ramanretidevidasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a Goura Nitay

Todas las gloria a Srila Prabhupada

Hare krishna Gurudev comienzo mi reporte contando que fue un gusto verlo en la fiesta de Ram viyay e interpretar a Mandorari fueron días de ensayo que no salía la intención del personaje pero ese día salió una buena interpretación le di las gracias a Krsna por que ayudó para que saliera esa bella narración, estoy muy bien cada día con un buen sadhana, lectura, estudio servicio. continuamos arreglando la casa de Goura Nitay y los demás integrantes de este lindo altar para que esten felices, mi familia muy bien hablando cada semana. comenzaré a buscar un lugar para hacer natación para un entrenamiento semanal. El servicio con la deidad es maravilloso cada día aprendo algo nuevo y mejoró el servicio cada día ( concentración limpieza , puntualidad... etc.)con respecto a este punto quería pedirle un nombre para mis de deidades de Goura Nitay se despide atentamente su sirviente Raman Reti Devi Dasi


All glories to Goura Nitay

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Hare Krishna Gurudev started my report saying that it was a pleasure to see him at the Ram Viyay party and to play Mandorari were rehearsal days that the intention of the character did not come out but that day a good performance came out I thanked Krsna for helping to Let this beautiful narration come out, I am very well every day with a good sadhana, reading, studying service. We continue to arrange the house of Goura Nitay and the other members of this beautiful altar so that they are happy, my family very well speaking every week. I'll start looking for a place to swim for a weekly workout. The service with the deity is wonderful every day I learn something new and the service improved every day (concentration, cleanliness, punctuality ... etc.) Regarding this point, I wanted to ask you for a name for my deities from Goura Nitay, his servant says goodbye. Raman Reti Devi Dasi

HpSwami- Thank you for nice report. You are doing everything. Now just begin to do it with more intensity. Concern for sentiment will come naturally. We can always improve our chanting with the association we get from reading Srila Prabhupada's books.

Nitai Caitanya-candra! O. K?