b.Natalia Reporting

12 years, 11 months ago by b.Natalia Molina in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna dear Gurudeva
Please accept my humble obeisance, all glories to Srila Prabbhupada!!!

Now my father came to Brasil for 5 days, and we are doing a little of tourism with him. We are in a place called Sao Sebastiao, we rent a car, tomorow we go to Paraty, and after that to Goura Vrndavana (a farm), and in the way back to Sao Paulo we will visit Nova Gokula, after that my brother and father return to Peru and I stay here  until 10th March. 

There is a video that explains the project of the school in Franco da Rocha. It began with some children who liked to go to the temple, take prasadam, the devotees were teaching them songs, make them to draw, etc. But because of bad association many of them left the association of the devotees. So they start the project of the gurukula to give them an alternative to the traditional school. The children doesn't not come from vaisnava families, but some parents even goes to help to clean and cook, because everything is for free and the children improve a lot their behavior at home. The children goes to Govinda every day before class, take breakfast prasadam (they themselves serve one to the others), they also take lunch at the temple, and they study until 6pm. Many of them do service in the temple, they know how to do the worship, how to play instruments, they are good vaisnavas. It is very sweet, every Wednesday they attempt to the Srimad Bhagavatam class, and the class is super clear, and fun. 

Excuse me if I didn't explain clearly the last time, but now I have the computer of my father, before was very difficult to get on internet!

I had a super sincere talk with my father, about my last years, since I am devotee, how I am feeling about many things (my desire to be with devotees, studies, their desires for me). It was really good because I explain myself very sincerly. I don't know if it posible I can talk with you when you will be there in Peru, like a feedback of the last years, to improve my perspective for the time to come (the next year least). I wish Krsna helps me to learn to be a good diciple, I ask humbly an interview to place myselve as a diciple to ask humbly your guidance in my attemp to be Krsna conciouss. The last years in Krsna conciousness were super auspicious, but I had in my heart the desire to forget everything and  only do service, and the desire to make my parents happy studying (all this time I could not completly sincere about my desire to be with devotees, because I didn't want to disturb my parents and they desires for me) But this make that I could not either study, either do service with all my heart. And I was changing to one thing to the other trying to find a solution to make both things togheter, but I don't  feel it is working, it is like I don't put my heart completly in any. So this year is like a year were I need to be more sincere about myselve, more clear, to not continue doing things " a medias". It is very difficult to explain, I hope it is posible to have a little interview, because I am not expert in my relationship with you as my guru, but I wish to learn. I like to hear your classes, I try to be attentive, but maybe it is posible to have your guidance in details. I feel very ashamed, but I want to become a vaisnava, and I want to be your diciple.

Hare Krsna Gurudeva
I am waiting for the news of Sattva!

Excuse my offenses!
your servant, b. Natalia

HpS - Jaya!

1.   Thank you for excellent news about school.   So, anybody can serve Krsna according to the opportunity.  We can start with something small and it can become very successful by the mercy of Krsna.   We just have avoid getting in the way!

2.  Our respects to your father.  He is a very nice person.

3. I do the same thing.   Every few years we need to take some time off from our daily habits and review our situation in detail.   We are trying to accomplish a big goal.   In general, Bh Vinode Th. comments that in the beginning we have to balance social, family, body needs and devotional service. Eg. Morning for spiritual life, day time for MAKING MONEY, evening for  e n j o y i n g.  Yet, as we go on we see how they are all integrated in the same effort, improving Gopal's play.

Yes, surely we can talk while we are in Peru.   Maybe hard for much detail during the first pass because only there for a few days.   But that is one of the tricks. Talk a little and make a little progress, and then talk a little more later after we assimilate our new knowledge!