Life update, farming revolution

3 years, 2 months ago by bhaktadaniel108 in Other

Jaya Srila Prabhupada and all Gurus and Vaisnavas!

Dear HPS, I have only 1 or 2 things going for me, they may not be great but perhaps it is enough.

I am determined to assist the evolution of the world wide Hare Krishna mission by facilitating agricultural development.

Fall 2020 to May 2021 I spent at New Gokul Dham in Sidney Texas. In 3 months I led the creation of a 1/10th acre (4,200 Sq ft) farm covered by greenhouses. We produced thousands of pounds of food in the 8 months I was there.

We left there because of health problems, asthma became so bad (I suspect from the ragweed or something) I could barely breathe the entire time I was there, had to use inhaler 10 times a day.

My partner Willow kept getting severe ezcema rashes that would bleed and get infected.

HpS - ASA - 😲 Hari Bolo!

Afterwards we traveled to Austin Texas for 1 month and lived with indigenous Mexicans, there we set up nice gardens for their community. Now we are in Northwest Arkansas renting a 4 acre homestead. Just got a small farm set up here and selling surplus to health food stores.

HpS/ASA - 💰 Now you can buy your partner a 1971 Cadillac!!! 😁 You chant Japa daily?? While you farm? Then all these experiences are entering into transcendence, no?

Many devotees ask me now to come to their land and help them develop it. I wish that a centralized farm training center could be developed.

HpS - Yes..

I can teach groups of people the basics and send teams out to set up and plant their land. We can grow fruit, nut trees, berries and ship them to all the devotees. Developing more self sufficiency would evolve the Hare Krishna mission 1000x forward.

Aside from farming, my sadhana is small but gradually becoming more personal and natural, I'm happy to chant, read, meditate on Srila Prabhupada, iskcon, Gauranga, Radha Krishna, their associates and pastimes. My life is becoming more regulated and orderly, having a wife is very helpful. She loves kirtan and reads sashtra all day.

ASA - Behind every good man is a good woman.... Behind every bad man is a ....? Behind you is a ... ? .... spiritual lady?? (Radharani...)

I still have an online following of a few thousand people. I am seen as a kind of existentialist radical philosopher that occasionally quotes vedic culture and references yoga. Slowly I am skimming the ripe ones and introducing Bhakti, Srila Prabhupada's books etc. to them.. I have created a social movement called "Crowdfunding A New Civilization" some people are very inspired by it, we have raised around $2,000. Our set goal is 1 billion. The mission statement is to buy land all over the world, plant thousands of acres of orchards/gardens, organize ecovillages, clean up the environment and usher in a new more evolved society on Earth.

I would like to hear your daily classes online, wondering the secret pass code to access it.. I miss you Maharaja, I hope someday to be formally initiated. Hare Krishna, hope you are well and blessed.

HpS - Still have the pants you gave us!! Access to our classes, Kirtan, ASA tree house, is always in the Kapi Dhvaja, no??!!

We have mango, avocado, bananasd, sitafal, mulberrys, potatoes, beets, peas, carrots, zuccini, 9-herbs etc here!