Rama Vijaya - NoD Bhakti Sastri Course

3 years, 3 months ago by srinath in Calendar Development

Dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!

It was wonderful to meet you and get your association in Houston. Thank you very much for giving us an opportunity to serve you.

In the Dallas Bhakti Sastri program, we just completed the Bhagavad Gita and are going to start the Nectar of Devotion module on 31-October-2021. We would be very grateful if you can give the first class of NoD module covering the Preface and Introduction. Our classes are between 2-4 pm CST. This is the last module of this Bhakti Sastri batch and the students will greatly benefit from hearing from you.

Your servant

Srinatha Krsna dasa

HpS - We answered your Alert in Whatsapp. Let us do a general perspective that we did as part of our NoD class for Radha Desa BV College. It comes from Prof. David Haberman's Intro to his BRS translation. K. Kstra Swami and Radhika ramana Das appreciate his work.

Students find it extremely practical and inspiring reading of the NoD.