Hare Krishna

3 years, 4 months ago by devendra in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaj,

Please accept our humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada, All glories to Guru parampara.

Many congratulations on this very auspicious day , when lord Ram, with the help of Hanuman,

And associates got victory over Ravan.

And also today sri Madhavacharya appearance day

Thank you very much Maharaj for giving your association during last Houston visit.

We hope that you have settled in Peru nicely, and hope weather is cooperating with your health.

Maharaj me and Sumitra is doing well, by mercy of vaishnav and Radha Rani, we are engaged in service in temple.

Maharaj have a small question if you get a time :

Nector of Instruction Text 2: It is said that one should not do over-endeavoring to get material things, so question is where should we keep line, is there any criteria how much endeavor one should do?

HpS - Thank you for your excellent letter. We are sorry that we did not answer it sooner. We try to get to all the mail, but it is really impossible:

  1. We are lazy.
  2. Our body is getting old and our eyes cannot handle the computer as much as before. Need a secretary?
  3. The travel Sankirtan etc. takes a LOT of energy.

Please, please read our Kapi Dhvaja. It is published every two weeks. Go to our web page, JayaRama.US and read the "Hello" link. That will explain the next link, "News".

That is were you will find the Kapi Dhvaja.

In the Letters to the Editor section there is a Priority Code. Put that in the Title field of you letters so that we can get to them quickly!!!!

Your question is very nice. I would answer as we understand Bhisma answered Yuddhisthira from the bed of arrows. Yuddhisthira was thinking that by causing the death of so many people to become the King he had been over endeavoring.

However he was guided by three things: God, the Brahmanas, Vedic scriptures.

So, read Prabhupada's books. That will give all the basic principles about how many nice shirts are too many shirts. How expensive a house or car is too expensive. Then chant Hare Krsna and you will get inspiration, good intelligence, from God, Krsna. Finally, keep association with devotees. They can give you good, practical advice of what is over endeavor.

For example, does your family need to go to the beach for a few days to get refreshment?

The above three elements will give you good peace of heart.

In the Kapi Dhvaja we give news about our health etc. You can see there that things are going very well. We have hopes of returning to Houston with good results, 7th March, and then doing a lot of filming in Houston.

Thanks Maharaj.


Devendra and Sumitra