Black Rat (FMPBPC) - Answer

3 years, 2 months ago by Cruz Santa in Other

Hare Krsna Gurudeva

Por favor acepte mis reverencias

Todas las Glorias a nuestro muy Misericordioso Srila Prabhupada y

Todas las Glorias a Usted y su búsqueda de oportunidades para expandir el Sankirtan de Su Divino Maestro. 

Gurudeva, en el Kapi Dhvaja usted preguntó: "¿ustedes lo leen? ¿Vale la pena?"

Me permito responder desde mi perspectiva:

Sí, lo leemos y creemos que vale mucho la pena. 😃

Le agradezco de corazón su esfuerzo por mantenernos informados e involucrados en sus trascendentales esfuerzos. 🙏

Debido a su pregunta, he pensado que quizá, yo también podría tomarme un tiempo para recapitular y observar ¿Qué estoy haciendo? ¿Cuáles son mis prioridades? ¿Cuáles son los planes? ¿Cuáles son nuestros recursos y quiénes son nuestros asociados? 

Parece que eso podría ayudar a tener una mejor perspectiva y de ser necesario ajustar el enfoque.

Por ahora estoy trabajando sinceramente para re-construirme desde mi actual condición y aunque lo más difícil de este proceso es intentar perdonarme a mi misma, estoy trabajando sincera y pacientemente para enmendar mis errores, confiando en que nuestro Misericordioso Señor Hari se encargará del resto. 

Muchas gracias por su ejemplo, inspiración y guía Guru Maharaja.  

Su torpe aspirante a Sirviente

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi


Hare Krsna Gurudeva

Please accept my obeisances

All Glories to our most Merciful Srila Prabhupada and

All Glories to You and your search for opportunities to expand the Sankirtan of Your Divine Master.

Gurudeva, in the Kapi Dhvaja you asked, "Do you read it? Is it worth it?"

Let me answer from my perspective:

Yes, we read it and we think it is very worth it. 😃

I thank you from the bottom of your heart for your efforts to keep us informed and involved in your momentous endeavors. 🙏

Because of his question, I thought that maybe, I too could take some time to recap and observe what am I doing? What are my priorities? What are the plans? What are our resources and who are our partners?

It seems that this could help to get a better perspective and adjust the focus if necessary.

For now I am working sincerely to rebuild myself from my current condition and although the most difficult part of this process is trying to forgive myself, I am working sincerely and patiently to make amends for my mistakes, trusting that our Merciful Lord Hari will take care of the rest.

Thank you very much for your example, inspiration and guidance Guru Maharaja.

His clumsy would-be Servant

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi

HpS - Thank you! We do not what has happened in your war against the Tiger, Maya, but one thing is for sure, the SB is full FULL F U L L of stories of the "fall-downs" of different aspiring devotees, yogis and Karmis. There are so many challenges we have to surpass but we have the association of Srila Prabhupada in his books and through our association in ISKCON!

So nice.

It is just a matter of waking up. Getting good association. Getting back to our normal condition and taking up our normal life again after this ridiculous adventure in the external energy!

Please understand who we are through all these online programs etc!!! and then give us the mercy of your association!

Jaya Radhe! Krsna, Krsna, Hare Hare!!!