Regional Representation Report 23

3 years, 4 months ago by Germán Vegas in Special Category A

Hare Krsna dear Gurumaharaja

Please accept our sincere obeisances

Jaya Srila Prabhupada!

I hope you are well, surrounded by disciples and well-wishers and in good health.

HpS - ASA -- Srila Prabhupada gives one definition of disciple as one who follows the discipline of his teacher.


Our discipline is based on 16-nice rounds and four principles strictly. This necessitates the wonderful early morning Kirtans, Bhajans etc.

By singing and dancing will I change the progress of the seasons?

No, we learn to integrate with them, to participate with Krsna's reality.

"Hare Krsna, Hare Rama".

Seeing this world as a reflection of the eternal reality for the purpose of waking up, or being here to help others wake up.

Back to work. Back to Goloka.

Well wishers are people who want us to wake up. Want us to be engaged again in our constitutional position.

Krsna is always growing, so people around us can also be always growing

So much to do!

I give you a brief report of my activities as regional representative and administrator of the Bhakti Sastri program.

HpS - We have no news of the Ministry of Education Executive Committee or Minister??!

  • Just today LAD shared with me the application for the certification of ISKCON La Paz as Bhakti Vaibhava exam center. We will review it carefully before sending it to Bhakta Rupa Prabhu who is interested in having an official program in the region. LAD has worked hard to achieve this, we hope that Srimad Bhagavatam will soon be consolidated in our countries.
  • The Bhakti Sastri program has about 35 test takers plus about 25 more in the coming weeks. Many started but few finished. However, the effort of my teachers has been enormously worth it. I am very grateful. Yugala Kisora ​​dd is doing a very professional job in examination and personal reports.
  • I am translating the Bhakti Sastri and Bhakti Vaibhava question bank given to me by Atul Krishna Prabhu. Hard but very rewarding work. For next year's courses, we will be able to have all the material in Spanish.
  • LAD and I, with the collaboration of Raman Reti dd and Indira Sakti dd, are working on an educational project that we want to present to you personally at the end of the year. We agree that it is a mature project and we hope to be able to please you.

HpS - We are really dedicated to the idea that the programs are good, must adjust to the environment, but really it is the teacher commitment that is always the driving energy.

We are fine, busy, aware, and greatly missing your personal association. We pray at your feet to see you soon.

Your servant

Gandharva das

HpS - Thank you. The Full Morning Program takes an effort for us to maintain. We are the technicians that make it work, but without the association of the participants 60% of the program's strength is gone.

Thank you.

We should expect that Krsna will send opportunities for us to do valuable, practical service to us. That is the most common sense thing to expect.

Then plans will follow as we get partners, and develop our teams.

My address book got bombed and we are reconstructing it. Please Whatsapp me Tapan misra Das' number.

Also we are developing the ISKCON-ASA educational programs, and hope to have Hispanomerica symposium between Krsna and January 1st:

Subra devi Dasi

Radhika ramana Das

Yadunandana Swami

You and LAD?

Who else?

Education In ISKCON