Black Rat (FMPBPC) New Asoka Van 1: Various Points

3 years, 3 months ago by candra108_mukhi in DTC

Hare Krsna, beloved Gurudeva:


It was really rewarding and thought provoking been there with all of you.

HpS - The same for us! Every day in Bhakti yoga is more intense!!

Chanting rounds in contact with mother nature and my spiritual god sisters and brother, it was really gratifying for our soul. We did some gem therapy with Yugala and Mitravinda. Both were very thankful specially Mitravinda.

HpS - We've mentioned before that we have allergy so often in the Spring, but one year we had a big pearl on our Japa beads and not allergy. The one you gave us kept falling off. 

At lunch on Saturday you mentioned that it will be good if Ananga manjari dd (M Hare Krsna's daughter) may participate in the movie.

HpS - Awk! Not "will be good" but "might be good". Ourselves we don't know how the movie is going to develop. The Director says the same. This kind of documentary starts with a plan but 90% of the content and structure can change after the first serious encounter with the real situation. Eg. if the Philemon Foundation want us to come to London and do a Semester Seminar everything changes!! Yet, the participation of Rupa anuga Prabhu, Prof. Behar, Ananga... would be so important.

I talked to her mother today and both agree. Nevertheless, they want to know, if she is going to perform Sita? or maybe a Raksasi, the color of the outfit, if it should be elegant or simple maybe a little script, or maybe you want another character, what is the main idea?.

And the dates for the filming.

Regarding transportation, she has a car but is only asking that the organization pay for the gas. And prasadam facilities.

HpS - Awk!

please tell them that we are still in the planning stages but will certainly introduce them into the Directors cognizance!!!!  Thank you.

Besides Palika, me, and so forth are working on the idea of your Sri Vyasa Puja 2022. So do you have any idea about the program itself. We will present the suggestion here and start working on it.

HpS - Only idea so far is that Subra devi dasi and Caitanya caritamrta Das are buying ticket so come at that time and participate. Also Priya-sakhi and Jagannatha Carana Das may come from Chile.

It seems that some simple method of accommodation would be nice.

It also seems that we have to beat again and again and again on the fact that it is our, HpS' vyasa puja, only in the perspective of practical glorifying all the members of Vyasadeva's parampara. As much you two as us three (HpS, TB, BW).

  1. What do you want to do? What should you do?
  2. What do you want to, should, do with other who have answered question 1?
  3. Based on 1 and 2, what is a plan, schedule, content?
  4. Based on 1, 2, 3 what resources, size of cake, do we need?

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Again thanks Gurudeva thank you all so much for your association, for me was an undeserved boon to be there with Your very good self and the devotees.

Trying to be useful


PS one of my cats Francesco is at the hospital :(

TB - Be sure he gets as much Prasadam and Hari Kirtan as possible. Is casi cierto su proxima vida va a ser ser humano!!!!!