DTC 10(Sun)

3 years, 3 months ago by hps in DTC

AGTSP paoho

CMDD left today. JPD came to visit for two days, and Raul came for the day with Maria and began to film DTC-UT. ArtDas came and will stay also.

Rehearsed and sent the recording to Manipur of commemorative for BSDM and will use it in the DTC-UT.

We have been taking anti-biotics for thee days for intestinal infection and we have stomach ache right now but are not sure if it is from and infection or the anti biotics.

It is just the same for you, no?

Abhiseka is traveling with family in Bulgari and probably also go diarrhea or ear infection or something.

This is a guaranteed place of fear and suffering. The thing we can do is take these austerities for Krsna, then they are very valuable!

Thank you Krsna for our sacred diarrhea! !!

Hare Krsna,

Chant one round and take rest!!!!!
