News from Rohini Devi Dasi

3 years, 4 months ago by rohini in Personal Sadhana Reports



Jaya Gurudeva!


Por favor acepte mis humildes y respetuosas reverencias. Le suplico perdone mis ofensas.

Gurudeva espero de todo corazón este Ud. muy bien.

Hoy en día, rondas, principios, Lectura sistemática del Srimad Bhagavatam con devotos (Cultura del Bhakti).

Además, Gurudeva estoy buscando una explicación a mi camino devocional. Yo estaba al 100% en rondas, principios, estudios, y servicio. Por favor Gurudeva ¿Qué paso conmigo? ¿Me faltó inteligencia para mantenerme? ¿Qué sucedió conmigo?

Quedé enferma y muy deprimida durante todo este tiempo. Fue como una pesadilla. Ahora me estoy recuperando. Sería muy bueno si me ayuda a responder esta pregunta, y así continuar con mi vida devocional.

Me postro a sus pies y espero su misericordia.

Su discípula

Rohini dd.




Jaya Gurudeva!

Please accept my humble and respectful obeisance. I beg you to forgive my offenses.

Gurudeva I hope with all my heart that you are very well.

Nowadays, rounds, principles, systematic studying of Srimad Bhagavatam with devotees (Cultura del Bhakti).

Also, Gurudeva I am looking for an explanation to my devotional path. I was 100% in rounds, principles, studies, and service. Please Gurudeva, what happened to me? Did I lack intelligence to support myself? What happened with me?

I was sick and very depressed during all this time. It was like a nightmare. Now I am recovering. It would be great if you help me answer this question, and continue with my devotional life.

I prostrate at his feet and await his mercy.

His disciple

Rohini dd.


HpS - ASA -- AgtSP... Paoho... Of course we are remembering you and Draupadi Devi Dasi and The Ananga-manjari Devi Dasi often and wondering, "What has happened to these nice devotees?" "What has happened?", but we are actually very little people and don't have the power to be the Supreme Friend!!

So it is Krsna who saves us: but, of course, He is motivated by the desires of His devotees and uses His devotees.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Why we fall away from the path back to Krsna may have many causes, no? We have heard that every psychological circumstance we can meet is in the SB. There is the fall down of Bhrata Maharaja, Vyasadeva writing so many indirect spiritual guidance.... We come to this human body after millions of lifetimes, so if we have different educational side-trips then it is no so surprising, no? We only hope that all of our experiences are determined by Srimati Radharani and Krsna and they have very deep significance and effect.

It is so nice to hear from you!!

We hope that this Blog and the Kapi Dhvaja will be very useful in the next steps in your life!! That we are all with Srila Prabhupada in his Sankirtan in our next chapters!!!