🐷 oink . Vgd report and news 😊

3 years, 5 months ago by Bhakta Victor Junior in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna querido Gurudev

Mis más sinceros y respetuosas reverencias. TlgSP

Estoy muy feliz de poder participar más seguido del FMP en Gotometing.

Mi trabajo anterior muy estresante y ahora trabajo independiente, me siento mejor en Ck.

Actualmente cantando +16 rondas 4 principios y Mangalartik 6 veces por semana 🙏

Estoy haciendo Pujari en el templo de Iskcon Asunción (Paraguay) los sábados y domingos, full time, despertando, cocinando, ofreciendo bhoga, artiks. Desde hace al menos 1 año de forma regular.

También haciendo Harinam (chanting on streets) cada 15 días. Mi servicio favorito.

Actualmente estudiando también reina Kunti Y Manual de adoración de deidades (libro de iskcon vrindavan)

Mi esposa se inició con Ss Jayapataka Swami hace unas semanas, vía zoom, ahora su nombre es Naráyani Gourapremi dd.

Espero se encuentre muy bien de salud. Gracias por permitir compartir mi reporte y noticias con usted.

Su sirviente

Vijaya Govinda das.


Hare Krishna, dear Gurudev

My most sincere and respectful obeisances. TlgSP


I am very happy to be able to participate more often in the FMP in Gotometing.

ASA - We are very happy to have your association.

My previous job very stressful and now I am freelancing, I feel better at Ck.

ASA - Results of Bhakta yoga in the level of Vaidhi Bhakti. Relief from stress and then everything becoming harmonious.

Currently singing +16 rounds 4 principles and Mangalartik 6 times a week 🙏

I am doing Pujari in the temple of Iskcon Asunción (Paraguay) on Saturdays and Sundays, full time, waking up, cooking, offering bhoga, artiks. For at least 1 year on a regular basis.

ASA - You have earned the right to do the same thing in Nabadvipa with Nimai?

Also doing Harinam (chanting on streets) every 15 days. My favorite service.

ASA - With flags, nice pamphlets, parrots on sticks, acrobats, bags of popcorn?

Currently studying also Queen Kunti and Deity Worship Manual (book of iskcon vrindavan)

My wife initiated by H. H. Jayapataka Swami a few weeks ago, via zoom, now her name is Naráyani Gourapremi Devi Dasi.

ASA - Super good!!! I hope she is reading Caitanya caritamrta every day. Including more people reading. Becoming a Nabadvipa vasi also!!!!!

Drown everyone in Krsna prema!!!

I hope you are in very good health. Thank you for allowing me to share my report and news with you.

HpS - This body does not get diseases, this body is a disease. For our age our body is good for doing the very best service.

Even the old men in Dvaraka who saw Krsna daily were filled with youthful energy..

The photos are very, very nice! I hope you get a nice hand carved altar for Gaura Nitai and every morning and evening so many people joining for Kirtan.

Your servant

Vijaya Govinda das.