Hare Krishna

3 years, 1 month ago by purnamasidevidasi in Other

Hare Krishna Gurudeva:

Please, accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

September is almost finished. This Saturday is the Ratha Yatra, in Madrid.

I have started school with the same children than last year, so they already know about Krishna. Today we have done a beautiful bhajan with karatalas, maracas, mrindanga and sticks. Since I worked a lot on Krishna’s pastimes with them, this year I am starting to teach them more about singing with instruments, Tulasi and another characters like Garuda, Hanuman (they know a little bit from last year), Ramacandra and Sita. Is this ok?

During the weekends, we continue with the Sat Sangas at home. And. Very soon, in October, I am going to start the Club Nityananda, a club for children and teens in which, following the book “Becoming your devotee”, we are going to talk about diferente topics. Some of the lesson will be taken during the Sat Sanga, but, once a month we will visit a Museum or exposition related to the topic. For example, the first month we are going to visit an exposition about how artists have represented the human body during diferente ages. The poster has a paint of Krishna with Tilak on and, since the first unit is about tilak, the kids will have to look for the picture of Krishna with the tilak on into de Museum. After that visit, we will give some books on the street and then, right to the Temple to have Prasadam and to participate in the Sunday Feast. Another weekend of the month, we will go to Nueva Vrajamandala, where we will represent a drama. The first month drama will be Krishna’s Headache. I will count with the collaboration of Narottama prabhu and other devotees form Nueva Vrajamandala and Madrid. What do you think about this? Any advice? Thanks in advance!

About Solaris, I am trying to do my best. It is very nice to have Jitendriya prabhu working on this too. We are thinking about how to get the magazine in the Spanish academic world. I hope we will be able to please you somehow.

Hoping you are fine when reading this message.

To your service,

Purnamasi devi dasi

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