Hare Krsna Gurudeva

3 years, 4 months ago by rohini in Personal Sadhana Reports



Mi querido Gurudeva

Por favor acepte usted mis humildes y respetuosas reverencias, ¿Cómo esta Ud.?, ¿Su salud va bien?

Que gusto poder comunicarme ahora con Usted, por favor perdone mis ofensas.

Cuanto desafío presenta Krsna en la vida, y aún así, es cierto es muy misericordioso, es indudable que ama a sus hijos.

Y por añadidura, Krsna, nos manda un representante suyo, el maestro espiritual, quien es infinitamente amable.

Que Krsna lo proteja Gurudeva, cuídese, cuídese mucho por favor. Es muy bueno tenerlo a usted.

Hare Krsna Rama!!!

Jaya Gurudeva

Su discípula.

Rohini dd




My dear Gurudeva

Please accept my humble and respectful obeisances. How are you? Is your health doing well?

HpS - So much time has passed and no news from you or your family! 😀 For our age our health is very good. AGTSP! We are in La Perla, Callao and tomorrow go to stay for six months in Sta Aulelia.

What a pleasure to be able to communicate with you now, please forgive my offenses.

How much challenge Krsna presents in life, and yet it is true that he is very merciful, it is undoubted that she loves her children.

And furthermore, Krsna sends us a representative of His, the spiritual master, who is infinitely kind.

May Krsna protect you Gurudeva, take care of yourself, please take good care of yourself. It is very good to have you.

Hare Krsna Rama !!!

Jaya Gurudeva

His disciple.

Rohini dd

HpS - How is you daily Japa? Other practices of Srila Prabhupada's yoga? Relishing reading his books?