3 years, 5 months ago by anandamayadas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva

Pamho, TLGASP!!!

Quedé con Abhiram, en ir hoy o mañana a comprar unos juegos de dhotis para Usted...

Me olvidé el nombre del material de la tela que usa Usted y la medida.

Eran 3 1/2 m. 2m. Dhotis y 1 1/2 m. Utariya?

Vamos esperar su respuesta para ir a comprar...

Su aspirante a Sirviente AmD.

Hare Krsna Gurudeva

 Pamho, TLGASP !!!

 I stayed with Abhiram, to go today or tomorrow to buy some sets of dhotis for you ...

 I forgot the name of the fabric material you use and the measurement.

 They were 3 1/2 m. 2m. Dhotis and 1 1/2 m. Utariya?

4 meters long divided into 1/3 and 2/3. Tall enough to reach the ground.

 We will wait for your response to go shopping ...

 Your would-be Servant AmD.