Nila-madhava Dhama - Calendar

3 years, 4 months ago by hps in Calendar Development

CcD-SDD Texted Us (M/P-ASA):

Hare Krishna Maharaj,

Paoho! AGTSP! 

Just read your tweet about your recent visit to doctor and then some from a few disciples... we are relieved and grateful that it wasn't anything major... too much exposure of arms to sun???

UG - Maybe. We have heard morning sun is good and afternoon sun is bad. Let's try to get more in the morning. 🤖


Looking forward to your association next week.

TB/BW/UG/ HpS - So are we!!! So are we!!!! 🐷 🦍 🤖 👳

If there is anything you would like for us to procure for your trip to Peru... please do not hesitate let us know... we will call this weekend regarding your airport pick up, diet, meals, etc... 🙇🏽‍♀️

Also, the disciples of BCS in Houston would like to invite you to our online 76th Vyasa puja celebration of Maharaj on Friday, Sept 17th... virtual program .. offerings , from 7 to 8pm...then we have a 10 min slot you can speak. Giriraj Maharaj is speaking at 7:30pm. Program from 6:45 to. 8:30 ish. You can join anytime if not available for whole program. 🙏

BW - On our Calendar, Mataji!

It will be a great delight to join! 🐷

See you in a few hours.