Lalita Madhava D

3 years, 6 months ago by LalitaMadhavadas in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories To Srila Prabhupada

Jay Jay Sri Guru and Gouranga

Dandavat Pranam Dear GuruDeva


I beg your pardon for not writing so often, although I meditate on his lotus feet daily.

I am praying that his health is good and allows him to continue in his mission of preaching with all the enthusiasm of all time.

Since the beginning of the pamdemic we keep with Majulali (Manjuali) DD in the distribution of Prasadam in various ways daily lunches, cakes and bakery, my mother helps us with some things when she can.

The music: The presentations were almost nil, now she is reactivated a little, but, everything is still very slow, I have

I recorded some Vaishnava songs in video format to keep me somewhat active.

The service: In the temple very little since it is going through different times, although at home I am with daily service

to the deities that my mother, manjulali and I. I will be helping the temple with a very security and emergency plan. necessary in any situation that you need such as controlling a fire, evacuating in case of earthquake, safety in kitchens, pujari room and salons.

Majulali DD: A day ago she took the exam for the initiation, I spent time reinforcing her knowledge and serenity to leave the result in the hands of Krishna, including a series of letters of commitment and declarations.

After everything that happened in our temple, my faith in Krishna consciousness, Srila Prabhupada, you and the devotees

has not changed, I believe that these situations bring us closer to the reality that we live in this material world and increase our desire to stop suffering by following the examples that you give us daily, thank you very much for all your effort and sacrifice for us.

Hoping to be helpful in your mission and putting myself fully at your service, your servant

Lalita Madhava Das 

HpS - Thank you . It is just like walking with you around the Temple in Santiago in the afternoon with the long autumn sun rays.

You are on the right path. You loving ability will reawaken taking all these lessons.