DTC 7(Tu)

3 years, 5 months ago by hps in DTC

🦍 🐷 🤖




  • FMP,
  • ASA SB class [Bhisma Deva consoles Yuddhisthira],
  • BOEX [Question Bank for Bh. Sastri, Ch 1-6],
  • Todd came and we hosted him while he worked on the building,
  • Correspondences,
  • Kapi Dhvaja,
  • Walk / Talk with NgD et al!!
  • Radha Natabara FEP.

Nrsmha Bhoga

Breakfast: Chopped celery and walnuts with yogurt, salt and pepper.

Lunch: Tree fresh pear juice, mixed toasted nuts, dates and two bananas.

Supper: Hot milk with sugar.

Hari Bolo! Good night.