[FMP-PC] Segunda Iniciación

3 years, 4 months ago by miguel valenzuela in Personal Sadhana Reports

Beloved gurudeva, please take my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

HpS/ASA - Locust feet.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

HpS/ASA - ! ! !

We keep chanting 16 rounds and the 4 principles, FMP program, and performing my temple service.

HpS - Superman! Excellent servant of Srila Prabhupada, Narottama Das Thakura, Six Goswamis, Lord Caitanya.

Excuse me for not sending my letter earlier, in the heat of the service and the preparations for the balarama purnima festivals, Krishna janmastami, and Srila Prabhupada's appearance the festivals were great, Krishna gave us the opportunity to serve him at all times, great association with his devotees, and above all learning how to serve.

HpS - You are in Guada Lajara?? 

I contacted Mother Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi about my process of taking second initiation as you suggested to me in the previous letter https://monkeywarrior.com/detail/12536/.

For what she tells me the following, "taking into account that I belong to the Yatra of Guadalajara, Mexico and I perform my services in the temple of Nueva Nilacala Mandir, she considers that I should adjust the pertinent details with the authorities of the temple so she recommended talking to them to coordinate with you the theme of the initiation ".

Therefore I spoke with the president of the temple who has been in the position for 8 years, he is Govinda Caran Das, he tells me that he is fully willing to recommend and send the letter as soon as possible according to the laws of the GBC, his intention it is to continue taking care of our spiritual advancement, having a direct approach to the service of the Deity.

In previous years I have given my letter personally during your stay and on the last visit of 2019 we had a meeting with you the disciples who wanted to take second initiation, there I gave you my letter, but there were no initiation ceremonies, it is an arrangement of Krishna, we are under the will of Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga

Guru Maharaja if you agree, the temple president can send the letter and coordinate us to perform the Yajña and you deliver the Gayatri mantra. What do you think?

Your humble insignificant apprentice to serve you Mandali Bhadra das

HpS - I think it is fine. You have passed the Disciple Course, no? We have to apologize to you that we are not able to handle the bureaucratic details of these situations better, and you are showing by your gentle determination that you are a Brahmana.

Can you close this Blog account and open a new one with your initiated name. Seeing your civil name makes some confusion for our secretarial officer: Tom Brown.

Nice fotos.

Respects to Govinda caran Das!!