URGENTE | DTC-UT | ASA Carnaval |Entrevista 09-09-21

3 years, 5 months ago by asacarnaval in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja

Por favor acepte mis rendidas reverencias

¡Todas las Glorias sean a Srila Prabhupada!

Gracias por su respuesta anterior. Intentando contribuir en su sankirtan, continuamos los ajustes para la entrevista del Jueves 9 de Septiembre 4:00 pm. 


Nombre del evento:   “El viaje de Monkey al Imperio Inca”

Entrevistados --------- Yudhistira Das y Ramacandra Das

Entrevistador --------- Gandharva Das

Idioma ----------------- Español

Plataforma ------------ Zoom


***YUDHISTIRA DAS    - Preguntas enfocadas a conocer: 

1) Un poco sobre el entrevistado y su papel dentro de la historia,

2) Acontecimientos memorables generados durante la PRIMERA VISITA de SS Hanumatpresaka Swami al Yatra Peruano.

3) Cómo influyó la educación que recibió en el gurukula en su vida actual.


***RAMACANDRA DAS  - Preguntas enfocadas a: 

– Apertura –

1) Conocer un poco sobre el entrevistado y su papel dentro de la historia,

2) Conocer los primeros contactos e impresiones sobre SS Hanumatpresaka Swami y alguna anécdota sobresaliente para el entrevistado.

– Contribución particular al Yatra Peruano –

1) ¿Cuáles fueron las diferentes facetas en las que contribuyo Maharaja de manera especial en el Yatra Peruano?

2) Primera y única visita de SS Hanumatpresaka Swami a Paraguay.

3) Primera visita del Dr Ravi Gupta (Radhika Raman Das) al Perú, provincia de Arequipa.

– Cierre –

Resumen (desde la perspectiva del entrevistado) de contribuciones y motivos por los que considera importante que se continúen o mantengan esas contribuciones.


*** Esperamos poder contar con sus comentarios durante las entrevistas Guru Maharaja.

Gurudeva, Estos son solo los temas generales; las preguntas están dirigidas a descubrirlos.¿Desea que le hagamos saber las preguntas en detalle?

Agradecidos por vuestra misericordia, quedamos atentos a sus comentarios para realizar cualquier modificación necesaria.

Sus sirvientes

-ASA Carnaval Team-

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi 


Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja

Please accept my bows

All Glories be to Srila Prabhupada!

Thanks for your previous answer. Trying to contribute to your [ASA 🐵 🐷 AgtSP] Sankirtan, we continue to set up the interview on Thursday September 9th at 4:00 pm.


Event name: "Monkey's trip to the Inca Empire"

Interviewees --------- Yudhistira Das and Ramacandra Das

Interviewer --------- Gandharva Das

Spanish Language

Platform ------------ Zoom


*** YUDHISTIRA DAS - Questions focused on knowing:

.9) Are there candidates for Lord Caitanya's movement in Peru? How to find them? How to communicate the message of Lord Chaitanya to them?

1) A little about the interviewee and his role in the story,

2) Memorable events generated during the FIRST VISIT of HH Hanumatpresaka Swami to the Peruvian Yatra.

3) How the education he received in the gurukula influenced his present life.


*** RAMACANDRA DAS - Questions focused on:

- Opening -

1) Know a little about the interviewee and his role in the story,

2) Know the first contacts and impressions about HH Hanumatpresaka Swami and some outstanding anecdote for the interviewee.

- Private contribution to the Peruvian Yatra -

1) What were the different facets in which Maharaja contributed in a special way in the Peruvian Yatra?

2) First and only visit of HH Hanumatpresaka Swami to Paraguay.

3) First visit of Dr Ravi Gupta (Radhika Raman Das) to Peru, Arequipa province.

- Closing -

Summary (from the interviewee's perspective) of contributions and reasons why you consider it important to continue or maintain those contributions.

 *** We hope to have his comments during the Guru Maharaja interviews.

Gurudeva, These are just the general themes; The questions are aimed at finding out. Would you like us to let you know the questions in detail?

HpS - Our question above is the main focus of the movie. Where is Sita? How can we reach Her in the heart of local people? Other questions should follow this.

Grateful for your mercy, we remain attentive to your comments to make any necessary modifications.

His servants

-ASA Carnaval Team-

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi