LAD service

3 years, 1 month ago by laksmana-agraja in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, dear gurudev.

Pamho, AGTSP!

Here, everything is going well in my service with Raman reti devi dasi. We are very fixated on our sadhana and attention to Gour nitay, Lord Nrsimhadeva, Srila Prabhupada in our altar.

We are doing, for now, our personalized preaching with our students. We have also been distributing Prasadam to my family on all Vaisnava holidays, birthdays, etc.

HpS/ASA --- 👍

We hope that very soon we can extend this beautiful service to many well-known people and then to the general public.

You are coming very soon and we plan to be very close to you, if Krishna allows it, the whole month of January that corresponds to our holidays from the courses, etc. I hope I am allowed to support something in your projects. I only await the invitation of the organizers.

HpS - Of course, we have come and had some nice contact. We are trying to visit the Temple in Chosika at least every two weeks. Then we want to have our ASA symposium on education from mid-December to first week in January. We hope that the Temple, Karuna-krsna Das, you-all, Gandharva Das, Yugala, CMDD, MvDD et al. Can participate, maybe visiting Sta. Eulalia daily.

Personally, I have not been invited to participate in the organizational meetings. In any case, I am very clear that my service to you for the moment is to try to be consistent with your instructions and to spread the ASA perspective in my regular and invited classes. Thank you, dear gurudev, for your teachings. At this point in my life I can boldly affirm that your instructions are my life and my soul. And for Raman reti also. Hope to see you very soon and do a little vapuh service for you. ssLAD

HpS - Thank you so much. We went though Chosika yesterday and ArtD pointed our your house.