URGENTE AmD - New Ashoka Van

3 years, 5 months ago by anandamayadas in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna Gurudeva

Pamho, TLGASP!!!

Gracias por la respuesta… Nosotros nos estamos moviendo mucho, no tenemos un lugar fijo de residencia, entonces programamos nuestras actividades semana por semana. A veces estamos lejos o en Sankirtan y no atendemos el teléfono, pero los mensajes de WhatsApp los respondemos el mismo día en el momento o por la noche.

Yo le comunique a Abhiram Prabhu hace dos meses cuando volvimos a Lima que estábamos a disposición, hace más de un mes le pedí un pequeño presupuesto para ir una semana a Chosica a buscar un lugar, mientras Abhiram seguía buscando al Sur… Al no tener una respuesta positiva sobre el presupuesto, nuestra búsqueda fue limitada. Pero hace más de 15 días le comunicamos a Abhiram sobre la propuesta del Campo Escuela Scout, y días antes de su última reunión yo me comunique con él por teléfono para invitarlo a la reunión con el gerente del club este martes 31 que acaba de pasar… En toda la conversación, nunca me mencionó sobre las reuniones de toma de decisiones.

ASA - Interesting. Seems you me and Abhirama Th. Das can sit and discuss this once we get to Peru and hopefully realize our faults and not make the same mistakes twice.


Nosotros podemos entender que el Campo Escuela de los Scout no representa el lugar idóneo para su estadía Gurudeva. Pero pienso que debemos considerar la estadía en Santa Eulalia, como se lo mencioné a Abhiram Prabhu hace más de un mes, que deberíamos descartar Santa Eulalia por ser un lugar de riesgo. Y esto puede ser confirmado por aquellos que hemos vivido en Chosica por un tiempo. Todos los años, la temporada de lluvias en la sierra se activa desde diciembre, y continúa hasta un poco más de marzo. Esto provoca huaycos o deslizamiento de tierra de los cerros de Santa Eulalia y Chosica. Entre el templo y Santa Eulalia hay por lo menos 5 quebradas donde desciende el huayco atravesando la carretera central hasta el tío Rímac… Eso significa el corte del acceso para Chosica de Lima… o de Chosica a Lima… Santa Eulalia queda cerrada sin acceso de ida o de vuelta. Santa Eulalia es un pueblo pequeño que no tiene hospital ni mercado… En caso de emergencia médica por Covid, no podríamos llegar al hospital de Chosica por los huaycos… menos a Lima… Hay emergencias que el hospital de Chosica no trata y tienen que llevar a los pacientes a Lima. Pero cuando hay Huayco no hay posibilidad de llegar… y el suministro de agua puede estar cortado incluso por semanas en todo Chosica y en Santa Eulalia la situación es más delicada.

Este año los especialistas han pronosticado que va a haber fenómeno del niño, cuando eso sucede, la situación que acabo de mencionar se agrava con dimensiones muchas veces de tragedia en la zona de Santa Eulalia.

Esta es nuestra última sugerencia con respecto al tema de la residencia, espero que se consideren los riesgos del lugar.

Por favor perdoné la impertinencia.

Su aspirante a sirviente AmD.

HpS - From both your's and Janardana Das letter it seems that neither Chosica nor Santa Eulalia are good. Basically it seems that none of the suggestions by any of us are good. 😁

Gandharva, you, Abhirama, Gadai.

Our stomach jumps and we want to become frustrated and renounce visiting Peru completely. 😠


Srila Prabhupada had the same challenges, no?

We sent a Whatapp message to The Thakur to look at you previous message, but it seems to me that this time, considering everything St. Eulalia is the best we can do, but . . .

. . . I think my opinion is at maximum 75% perfect.

So, THIS TIME, I will send another notice to ArtD prabhu to look at these final comments and then chant Hare Krsna, and make a decision, and that we all pray that Krsna gives him good intelligence and compensates for any fault there is in our efforts.


Hare Krsna Gurudeva.

Pamho, tlgasp !!!

Thanks for the answer ... we are moving a lot, we do not have a fixed place of residence, then we program our activities week per week. Sometimes we are far or in Sankirtan and do not attend the phone, but whatsapp messages are answered the same day at the time or at night.

I communicate to Abhiram Prabhu two months ago when we returned to Lima that we were in hand, more than a month ago I asked a small budget to go a week at Chosica to look for a place, while Abhiram was still looking south ... not having a Positive response about the budget, our search was limited. But more than 15 days ago we communicated to Abhiram about the Scout School field proposal, and days before his last meeting I communicate with him on the phone to invite him to the meeting with the club manager on Tuesday, 31 he has just passed ... In all the conversation, I never mentioned me about decision-making meetings.

We can understand that the Scout School field does not represent the ideal place for your Gurudeva stay. But I think we should consider the stay in Santa Eulalia, as I mentioned it to Abhiram Prabhu more than a month ago, that we should discard Santa Eulalia for being a place of risk. And this can be confirmed by those who have lived in Chosica for a while. Every year, the rainy season in the Sierra is activated since December, and continues until a little more than March. This provokes Huaycos or landslide of the hills of Santa Eulalia and Chosica. Between the Temple and Santa Eulalia there are at least 5 Quebradas where the Huayco descends through the central road to Uncle Rímac ... That means the access cut for Chosica de Lima ... or Chosica to Lima ... Santa Eulalia is closed without access or back Santa Eulalia is a small town that has no hospital or market ... In case of medical emergency by Covid, we could not get to the Chosica Hospital by the Huaycos ... less to Lima ... there are emergencies that the Chosica Hospital does not treat and have to take to Patients to Lima. But when there is Huayco there is no possibility of arriving ... and the water supply can be cut even for weeks at all ChoSica and in Santa Eulalia the situation is more delicate.

This year the specialists have predicted that there will be a child's phenomenon, when that happens, the situation that I have just mentioned is aggravated with dimensions many times of tragedy in the area of ​​Santa Eulalia.

This is our last suggestion regarding the issue of residence, I hope that the risks of the place are considered.

Please forgive the impertinence.

Your AMD servant aspirant.