Vijaya Govinda Das. Report Sep. 2021

3 years, 4 months ago by Bhakta Victor Junior in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna My dear Gurudev

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

Please accept my most humble and respectful obeisances

I have not written to you for a long time and I apologize for that. I'm still alive! and fighting for Krishna. A while ago I consulted an astrologer about what career and profession to follow and he told me: Culinary Arts. Although I do not feel very confident in this regard. I remember once I asked you in 2015 if a devotee should study for a college degree? And you explained to me that it depends on each type of case, it may or may not work for me. Nowadays I still think about that and although I know that it is not the most important thing in life, I understand that could help me in professional or work development, especially in Grihastha Asrama, that is why I wanted to tell you that I got married on May 19, 2019, at the present moment I have been married for more than 2 years. My wife, Noemi, took shelter whit ss. Japayataka Swami and probably take initiation very soon. Nowadays we are just fine, thanks to Krishna, I keep chanting my 16 daily Rounds and following the 4 principles, attending Mangal Aratik almost 3 times a week. I live with my wife just 1 block away from the Ikscon center in Asunción - Paraguay. I usually go to the temple to serve in Kirtan, Pujari, lectures, and to cook. It is very nectar all the services we perform, although my favorite one is Kirtan, and I feel that over time I learn more and I can do better service for Krishna and his devotees. One time I asked you, in 2018, How to serve properly in Iskcon? And you explained to me that by finding my position. so I'm still looking for that position so that I can properly serve you and Srila Prabhupada. Today I sincerely ask you what I can do in this life to serve and please you and Srila Prabhupada? 

Finally, I thank you infinitely for your spiritual guidance and your patience with this conditioned soul. I hope we can meet, maybe on your next visit to Peru or where Krishna arranges it, so maybe I can cook for you and listen to your Lectures. 

I Attach photos of our Janmashtami Festival In which all the devotees prepare +95 dishes for Krishna!

I hope you are in excellent health, my dear Master.

Your servant, Vijaya Govinda Das

HpS - Basically chant 16-nice rounds and follow the four princples. Then BG 10.10-11 will happen.

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