URGENT: Manuel's 7th report

3 years, 4 months ago by manuel in Special Category A


And to his loyal disciples, like you, who carry out his mission in all the places they go.


This 7th report has been done, since Wednesday, September 25, but we did not send it because we wanted to do it together with the bio-safety protocol approved by a virologist, however, having this protocol is taking longer than expected, therefore, We are sending this report today August 31, 2021, day of the 108% Glorious and Auspicious Vyasa-puja of SRILA PRABHUPADA this makes us very happy,

But, we are also sad because today in the morning Prabhu Payonidhi left this world, he was diabetic and his body passed away from a heart attack.

HpS/ASA - https://monkeywarrior.com/detail/12697/

Next, the 7th report:

Being less than a month for the arrival of H.H. Hanumatpresaka Swami, Abhiram Thakura das called for a virtual meeting with the coordinating team to define the place of His Holiness stay in Peru; in the meeting the following devotees participated: Palika dd, Caturatma d, Candra Mukhi dd, Mitravinda dd, Nitya-Kisori dd, Bhakta Luis Torino, Ramananda Ray (representative of SOLARIS-hispánico) and Abhiram Thakur das.

ASA - Victory comes from good advice, and good advice comes from many monkeys. 🐵 🐵🐵🐵🐵

Abhiram reported on the more than 10 proposals for stay, located in the provinces of Canta, Cañete, Huarochirí, Lima and Caraz. In the end, there were 2 final proposals:

1.   Santa Eulalia (on the periphery of the Lima region), and

2.   Caraz (a province of the Ancash region).


To take a decision, the pros and cons of each place were taken into account



ADVANTAGES: it is a little bigger than the one in Santa Eulalia. It is a well-equipped house with all kinds of appliances, it has 10 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, ample kitchen, terrace. The monthly rent is $1,000 USD + services (bills).

We did not test the internet, but, Daru Krishna Prabhu who lives 10 minutes from the house said that he usually solve internet problems by having a good speed internet plan on his cell phone and using it as HubSpot for his computer.


DISADVANTAGES: It’s 9 hours from Lima, there is not direct flight to get there directly, it is not a proper rustic country house, it is more like a beach house in the country. An important disadvantage is that the total area that is rented is only 800m2. That is the house, a patio, a garage and a garden, in this type of area it would be impossible to establish a quarantine zone outside the house, which is a key requirement to guarantee the bio-security of the place.

(The Santa Eulalia country house is over 4000 m2).



ADVANTAGES: It’s only 2 hours from Lima and 30 minutes from Sri Sri Radha Madhana Bihari Temple. We tested the internet with Zoom to see how streaming works and it did well (the current package is 200Mbps but upgrade to 600Mbps package is possible).

The house is beautiful, it is a rustic country house made with good taste, the owner is a sculptor. The house has 4 rooms, separately there is a nice bungalow with 2 more rooms and an open area to a distance of 80 or 100 meters from the house where we plan to locate a large tent as a quarantine area, next to the tent there are 2 full bathrooms for the people who are in quarantine, (in total there are 9 bathrooms: 3 inside the house, 2 in the bungalow and 4 in the field). The area is over 4000 m2. The owner of the house is a friend of Nitya-kisori (they studied the entire school together), the house is normally rented at $ 2,500 USD per month, but, since they are friends and explaining the purpose of the stay, she made a good discount and left the monthly rent to $1,500 USD (she said: “I am happy that they come because they are going to bless my house”).

Another favorable point is that we spoke with Prabhu Karuna Krishna, president of the Chosica temple. He consulted with the rest of the authorities and they all agreed to reserve an exclusive day a week for you and your guests to visit the temple. We are also coordinating for the Ramacandra Vijayotsava festival on Friday October 15 and Govardhana puja on Friday November 5.


DISADVANTAGES: The rainy season intense in the area is between February and March. Although last year was mild, it is not known with certainty how it will be this year, some predict “El Niño phenomenon”, but it is not known for sure. In any case, the house is located in a safe area because it is not a “huaicos” (landslides) area.



Also, we are aware of the proposal of being able to rent the Scout Club, but, as we understand, from the report to the Blog, of Anandamaya das, still do not know if they accept to rent for 6 months. In addition, we are going to develop a bio garden during the six months of stay, so the managers would have to authorize the modification of a 500 m2 space for that purpose. On the other hand, the third wave of the pandemic in Peru is scheduled for the end of September, beginning of October, so if the contract is for 3 months, moving to another place before the end of the year is dangerous and inappropriate (in addition to the uncertain if we will find a suitable place).



Finally, after analyzing all possibilities, Santa Eulalia was unanimously chosen, by the entire coordinating team.


So, for the team, the choice has already been made, therefore, to conclude, we will say, as the priest says during a wedding, "speak now or be silent forever


That's all we can report for now. HARE KRISHNA

HpS/ASA: Gandharva Das, Anandamaya Das et al efforts are wonderful. The Scout place seems to have many advantages, but it is so late, now, so consulting with the Supreme Undifferentiated Absolute Commando of ASA, and having already taken approval of Esquire Abhiseka Singh, President of NIOS, which is paying the expenses for renting this Cinematic Arts Studio. We approve renting space in Sta Eulalia for six months if lease is in the name of Alejandro Salazar and Caturatma Das (who has read the Contract and confirmed that it is standard lease, correct for our above described purposes).