Manjuali D. D. reporte Chile

3 years, 6 months ago by Bhaktina Maria in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All Glories to your Sankirtan Guru Maharaja!

I begin this report by thanking you for your enormous effort to keep you informed of your sankirtan and classes on a daily basis, although it is true there are times that I cannot connect, hours later I can listen to your classes that are already recorded, and also for the monthly Kapi Dhavaja.

HpS - Thank you very much. Sometimes we wonder if our efforts are of much value. 🙄

I think from the first moment you have been the inspiration and clearest example.

HpS - We just finished talking with Virabahu Das. He has been very big inspiration for us.

It has been a while since my last report and I apologize for this.

ASA - 👹

I hope soon you can go to the ophthalmologist with the company of a devotee to check your eyesight, we need your healthy vision.

HpS - Tomorrow, Janmastami, we will go to see a dermatologist. We will be investigating 'skin disease' on Janmastami. 😁

My family is in very good health, the Lord always protects them. My mother is also an example of devotion and perseverance, she sings the rosary whenever she can, she tells me that every time she prays the Lord and the Virgin always listen to her, she is very devoted to the Virgin and dedicated.


This last time if I have dreamed of my father, this dream always repeats itself, he says goodbye and he looks good, in that hug I can even feel the aroma of him, I miss him a lot, but I know that his soul is fine.

ASA - 😌

Now I continue to tell you a little about what I have done lately, together with Lalita we continue to distribute Prasadam, this service never ends, I think that people will always have the desire to eat and even more when they taste food offered to the Lord.

ASA - Krsna consciousness means good food and good music. Engage them also in distributing and chanting.

I tell you that a few days ago the Temple President, Prabhu Jaganatha Caran, told me about a possible second emergency initiation which has caused me a bit of confusion on whether to advance in this process or not, since I think that the main thing is to inform you and I would like to study and dedicate the time as it should, to prepare myself in the best way and to be with the necessary qualifications for the due attention of your honorable Members and not to commit offense at such a great step, I imagine that times are changing and everything perhaps it becomes more flexible.

I have been studying the Vedic texts as much as possible to give a good test, but I made the decision that I want to prepare myself much more and if you approve it, in the not so distant future, you will give me that enormous mercy.

HpS - I don't think it is such an emergency in some ways. I think you are quite qualified. Srimat Virabahu Das mentions that they have interviewed the candidates in terms of chanting their 16-enthusiastic rounds and following the 4-principles strictly.

He also mentioned that you and Sriman Lalita-madhava Das have not been formally married and are not living together.

I thought you were married and were living together.

It is good that we have several devotees to guide us in spiritual life. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Like him, and probably a lot of others, and even yourselves, it seems you should make the superhuman effort of dealing with the national bureaucracy and formalize your relationship.

Considering all the things we know, it seems that it would be nice for you to take second initiation with the fire sacrifice on Wednesday.

For Pujaris we do not demand the Bh. Sastri course, but of course it is nice.

I think you already took the Disciple Course, no?

If not, then our GBC Secretary, Virabahu Das, assures me that this is what would make it an 'emergency initiation' but it is alright if you commit yourself to take the course as soon as possible. I hear that it is nice, a little formal, but satisfying.

Eternally at your service and waiting to be more and more qualified.

Manjulali [Manjuali] Devi Dasi

HpS - Please tell The Lalita-Madhava Das to drop us a line also! We will be in your neighborhood in just a few weeks. Good food and good music, and learn the stories from the SB, CC etc. Then you can put them into modern language as the situation requires.

With the association of Lalita or other gentleman we can talk with telephone, whatsapp if you like. Just send you contact number here. We will not publish it.