Janmastami Katha

3 years, 5 months ago by Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna, querido Gurumaharaja.

Por favor acepte nuestras respetuosas reverencias.

¡Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada! 

¡Todas las glorias a Sri krishna Janmastami! 

Gurumaharaja para este lado del mundo Janmastami es el día lunes, normalmente vemos la lista de líderes de kirtana de FEP así que nos preguntamos si este lunes cantará Parama Karuna prabhu?

Talves podríamos tener oportunidad por favor de participar de un corto Krsna katha bilingüe a las 7:00 pm hora Nashville en ASA? 

Usted mencionó un drama, quizás podemos invitar a Divya Sri mataji y otros para interactuar con una lectura emocionante. 

Disculpe nuestras demandas por favor, si es demasiado podemos comprender.  

Aprovecho en reportarle que ya estoy en comunicación con Yudhistira prabhu, Rohini y Ananga Manjari, las matajis le envían un especial agradecimiento y reverencias. 

Por ahora estamos esperando la confirmación de fecha para Daru Krsna prabhu quien amablemente nos está atendiendo, ASA Carnaval le envío una carta al respecto.  

Le comparto algunas fotos de teatro de Janmastami de años pasados en México, estuvo emocionante el drama, 20 actores en un pequeño escenario : )

Vuestra eterna aspirantes a sirviente

Asta Sakhi dd 


Hare Krsna, dear Gurumaharaja.

Please accept our respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to Sri Krishna Janmastami!

Gurumaharaja for this side of the world Janmastami is on Monday, we usually see the list of FEP Kirtana leaders so we wonder if this Monday will sing Parama Karuna Prabhu?

ASA/TB-BW - We do not know. It is O.K. with us if he leads a Gaura Arati.

Maybe we could please have a chance to participate in a short bilingual Krsna Katha at 7:00pm Nashville time at ASA?

HpS - Certainly. Can be any length. We will present in the local program from 8.30-9.00PM. That will be English (Hindi). That program is from 8-12PM and we will send the YouTube link. We will go to NgD Ashrama and do Abhiseka from 11.15 - 11.45PM

You mentioned a drama, maybe we can invite Divya Sri Mataji and others to interact with an exciting reading?

HpS - Same as above! 🙂

Excuse our demands please, if it is too much we can understand.

HpS/ASA - No, it is very nice. Let us just communicate here to cocordinate.

I take this opportunity to inform you that I am already in communication with Yudhisthira Prabhu, Rohini and Ananga Manjari, the Matajis send you a special thanks and obeisances.

ASA/HpS - Which Yudhisthira? For what marvelous purpose are you in communication them?

Aahh! I just read the ASA Carnaval post. These are for the DTC-UT interviews.

For now we are waiting for the confirmation of the date for Daru Krsna Prabhu who is kindly attending us, ASA Carnaval sent him a letter about it.

ASA - We also do not understand this project with Daru-krsna Das... ?? ... About visiting New Ashokavan in Sta. Aleulalia, Peru???? 🙂

Also... after reading the ASA Carnaval post, this is clear.

I share some theater photos of Janmastami from years past in Mexico, the drama was exciting, 20 actors on a small stage :)

ASA - Is Dhusashana pulling Draupadi by the hair!! 😮

Your eternal would-be servant

Asta Sakhi dd


