Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:
I have just got a message from Jambavan d he is extremely overjoyed due to your association. He is the brother I never had.
Well, I want to make a report. I went to the beach for one week. I went there in order to relax before the classes start. I basically woke up with the sound of the sea. It was very pleasant.
My internet connection was not good enough to connect to gotomeeting. Nevertheless, I followed FMP through facebook which is free for me.
I traveled with my Nrimshadeva, and when I was returning, at the airport someone asked me what is the statue that you have in your purse. Many times My Lordships wanted to be seen by others so I took Him out, He is my personal deity I said. He looked at Him and nodded.
We are very looking forward to meeting you in New Asoka dham.
I got my complete vaccination (Pfizer). I work at home, and just go out for buying groceries.
My service is to give classes for Iskcon Chosica once a month. In the last class I prepared a presentation, because the format that they use is just to talk in front of the camera, I used to do that but I tried to prepare something more.
16 R ok
4P ok
So, I guess that it is all for now, see you tonight at zoom
Trying to be your disciple
HpS - Yes, it is so nice to prepare slide shows or other kinds of puppet shows!!!