Name Corrections 🔥🐂

3 years, 4 months ago by stopngo in Personal Sadhana Reports


Your Devine Grace Gurudeva.

Please accept my respectful reverence.

I've been reading the letters in the personal sadana reports, especially the guru tattva. You wanted us to respond if something didn't seem correct, on the deciples list my name on Aug 1st for Michael jarvis the spelling is different than what I received with my's spelled Mani Bandhani DAS and on the deciples list it's spelled Mani bandina das there's alot of admin in your life so I understand if things get missed.its not a big issue for me

I was just curious if it's important.

My service has increased twice fold and fortunate that I get to live another day to serve Shri Shri Radha Giridhari 🔥 and guru

Loved the videos from Boise and the dancing was as strong as ever.hoping to see the rafting trip's a whirl wind trip just following your blog.

In awe of your service.

Your aspiring servant

Mani Bandhani DAS

ASA/BW - Mani-bandhani is correct. we just looked it up on the Radha Krsna Gana Desa Dipika (

We also corrected it in our computer file and uploaded the new version.


Thank you so, so, so, much for taking these humble requests seriously.


Iskcon = The Ship

Srila Prabhupada = The Captain.