Hare krishna Dear Gurudeva,
I saw in the list of the disciples' database the name of my father is different and my name is misspelled.
My name is David Yallico Torres ( Caitanya-candrodaya das).
HpS -Correction posted to our laptop file, rev. 2021 aug 17. Posted to Aylic and WWW.JayaRama.US soon.
Thank you so much for helping us to to our Diksa Guru service to Srila Prabhupada.
we thought my dad's name was Anuraksa das and i saw in the list that is Aruna-aksa das. ( Romulo Alfonso Yallico Andia)
ASA - Udillo aruna puraba bhage.... Krsna has eyes, "aksa", that at red like the rising, "aruna", sun.!!.
Vanca kalpa
Dandavat pranam.
So good to hear from you. You also took second initiation, no? What date? How is your standard? How is your Sankirtan??