Journey as Sannyasi

3 years, 5 months ago by harsh_horse in Special Category A

Hare Krishna Maharaj, PAMHO, AGTSP.

We have heard that you have stayed under trees, in intial days of Sannyas, where you just took off, Kutica stage (staying outside temple).

ASA - Parivracacharya. Next stage. Giving up family cottage to wander from door to door.

It would be helpful if you can elaborate of your Sannyas stages (kutica, bahudak, etc ) along with physical/environmental changes.

Like when you were living under trees, how was the FMP, how was Prasad, preaching, what did Hanumanji/Nrsingh dev ate etc.

We are asking these questions, as we think eventually Horse will also like to live under trees some day , realize paramatma (may be), then may realize Hari Naam Prabhu in beads (may be next life time)

I know its difficult to understand sincere people like you. But ISKCON somehow means you , your world view etc for us, hence trying to know your past (SB 1.5/1.4)

HpS - Aaaacha!! We have described this in lectures man times. Hmmm. Maybe we can do it a lecture: DTC-UT All Aboard!

We need to make a list.