Long Time No See

3 years, 5 months ago by David Presta in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna !

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada


Dear Maharaja

So sad I will not see you in the near future. Have always wanted to visit the Boro, but not in theses trying times. Hope you are in good health. We are doing as well as could be expected for old folks. Been going through some more of my father's keepsakes and found a prayer written in Italian. Probably written by my grandfather in the 1930s in Wisconsin. It translates:

Act of thanks

Infinite thanks I give you oh my God of having redeemed me, made me a Christian, and preserved me in this night.

My God I regret with true heart for not loving You, and I propose with Your holy help not to offend you anymore in the future.

Merciful Lord forgive me.

This is the finest thing my father left us. I'm going to mount it in a frame with the translation and show it to all of my siblings and cousins.

Your humble servant, Dave Prabhu.

HpS - ASA --- We are seeing each other right now. Eyes pass photons, here we are passing electrons. Such a perfect prayer. I was born into Episcopalean family. Baptized, confirmed, met Srila Prabhupada, investigated him very sincerely and was convinced that he was the best Christian I had ever met, so took shelter of him formally as my eternal leader, and hope he continues to accepts me as such and I can become more and more connected with him, and with him our Lord Christ Jesus.

I am like an ant compared with both.

Send us a photo of the framed prayer if you can. Scan it.