Hare Krishna

3 years, 7 months ago by purnamasidevidasi in Other

Hare Krishna, Gurudeva:

Please, accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

August is almost here and that means the last month of summer holidays.

In September, I will be back to school,

this year as a Nursery and Primary teacher and I will try my best to pass Srila Prabhupada message to my students and colleagues.

ASA - Share this gift of Srila Prabhupada: https://vedabase.io/en/library/sb/3/22/21/

From the departure of a very important devotee and friend (for all the members of my family), Avesa Rupa Prabhu, things have changed a bit.

This summer is the first one we don’t spend time with him and his partner, Adiras prabhu, hiking around the most beautiful landscapes in Spain.

Instead of that, we have been visiting another [other] devotees in different places such as Málaga and Nueva Vrajamandala.

I think we are missing Avesa Rupa prabhu, but, thanks to him, we are a little bit stronger in some things.

... For example,

HpS - ASA - He was a G I A N T. Even though they may not know it I think the whole world misses him. The Earth misses his walking on here. 😟 Yet, it is like seeing your father leave on a boat to China in 1933 for work, and knowing he will come back after 1-1/2 year, and there should be letters, telegrams, phone calls.

...desire to distribute books. Of course, not the way he did (he was a great sankirtan devotee), but, at least, trying our best, once a month, in family or with another devotees… In today’s class, I hear you saying that everybody can distribute books. Even if it is only one or two, it is ok.

And on hearing this, I feel a little more confident. So, always with Srila Prabhupada’s and your permission, I will go with my husband Jayanta prabhu to the streets, like I did some years ago. And let’s see what happens!

ASA - Hey, that is just one way, and it may not even be the best way,,, for you all. Chant, pray, stack the books up where you can see them and get them out. Put advertisements around the neighborhood dogs who pass by.

Put leads into your students school work that will inspire family to ask, "Where from that quote is made??" Etc.

Thank you so much for reading my letter.

Hoping you are fine.

Your servant, hoping to be humble.

Purnamasi devi dasi

HpS - Make book distribution our full time business. Convert your school into a clandestine Sankirtan center.