Comments from Ameyatma Das

3 years, 6 months ago by hps in Special Category A

On Wednesday, July 21, 2021 PM CDT, ameyatma wrote:

HK, AGTSP  By mistake I sent the original email via my business email address, as James Beals,   But, I am Ameyatma das [ACBSP].

I do apologize, i am a technically oriented person, it's my nature to be detailed, that email was as short as I could make it 

(I don't mean to be sarcastic, or whatever, but, SP's books, the Gita, the Vedas, they are all very detailed).

Since your response wasn't much of a response,  I wouldn't have bothered to reply,  but, so far you are the ONLY person, out of all the sannyasis and GBC I sent this to who at least took the time to give any sort of response at all.  

I only wrote SP 4 letters, an d every letter he replied to  in a most kind and merciful way.  I know the last was fairly short, for me, 1 page, typed,  the others were longer, one i recall was at least 4 pages long. SP didn't complain,  he thanked me for the letter (unfortunately, I lost 2 of his letters, so only 2 of his replies to me are in the Vedabase).

My issue is,  SP gave very clear  WRITTEN instructions stating that Temple Presidents can Only be removed, or new one selected    by the Vote of the Temple Members. And Specifically and clearly he wrote that GBC has no such authority

Those instructions are clear, (short and concise) and in Writing along with his signature (as letters to GBC members)

He also has written that that he Did NOT want centralized organization of the temples. But, that the temples need to stand on their own.

Yet, the GBC has had temples (at least in North Am) pass ByLaws that state that members have no such rights, and that ONLY the GBC can remove or appoint a new TP,   and they have set themselves up as central governors over the temples, where THEY will select the temple board members, etc. 

My issue is that all of this is 100%  180 degrees  the exact OPPOSITE of what SP instructed that he wanted,  and those instructions are in Writing.  

How ANY disciple or sincere follower of SP could turn a blind eye to this literally bewilders me.   The number one duty of the GBC is to Execute the instructions SP gave,     the GBC clearly are no longer doing their duty         

So,  what you can do?  I don't know,  all I know is this is WRONG   and in my view means that the GBC is not just Useless and Worthless, but, they are KNOWINGLY DESTROYING my Guru's Mission,      because they are showing a total disregard for SP's written instructions.  They are trampling right over his words,  as if they mean absolutely nothing to them.  At least a number of them are doing this   and the others     they are sitting silently watching   and doing nothing.   And, the other senior leaders, like the sannyasis,  same thing.   They are told and made aware of the offensive actions of this GBC   and they Do Nothing. Say Nothing,  look the other way    hoping that devotees like me go away and stop making waves.   So  devotees like you are also implicated in the offenses of trampling over Srila Prabhupad's words, his instructions,    because you are told what is going on, and chose to DO Nothing.   

At least that is what it appears,  since I sent my first email about this to the NA GBC members a month ago, and got no reply,  and now sent the second one to full GBC and Sannyasis,      and the only reply I got so far is from one Sannyasi,  yourself, who only says my email was too detailed    so you can't help.    

SP's words, his intructions how HE wanted HIS temples to be managed is thrown down on the ground, disrespected, not honored,  and the only action you care to take is to complain that the messengers message was too detailed. 

ys ameyatma das

HpS - ASA - Esteemed Ameyatma Das,

AgtSP, Paoho. I read the whole letter and it is a little more focused. I was getting 500 letters a month. I do not have many Secretaries like Srila Prabhupada. I am a different kind of person that he is. He has told me that that is O.K.

I tend to manage a small pioneering group of devotees, and then can deal with many, many letters that I was getting from persons and situations who I don't know well in a general sense, like in this Blog, and when the general details are worked out, if specific private dialog is necessary then it can be done.

I read your letter, now you read mine. I understand you a little bit better, now you please understand me a little bit better. Let us develop our Sadhu sanga before we deal with the details of the institution. My letter is at: I hope it shows that I don't ignore institutional problems and I could make some very specific comments about your points in your letter, but I need to base our relationship on Sadhu sanga rather than VAD or administrative relations.

Following that, Srila Prabhupada says in writing, in NOI: "In this verse Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī advises the devotee to be intelligent enough to distinguish between the kaniṣṭha-adhikārīmadhyama-adhikārī and uttama-adhikārī. The devotee should also know his own position and should not try to imitate a devotee situated on a higher platform. ( )

So what is your situation. I am chanting my rounds, up for full morning program with 35-45 devotees daily, four principles, so I think I can say that I am up to the Madhyama adhikari position, at least.

How about you, Sir?

Rounds, principles, Mangala arati/SB class?

Thank you.