Reporte del león solitario

3 years, 5 months ago by YugalaKD in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hk Pamho, querido Guru Maharaja me disculpo por no escribirle hace mucho. Mis tiempos se complicaron desde que encontré un trabajo. Trabajo on line, tres días a la semana en un colegio, eso me ayuda a mantenerme, tranquiliza mi mente, me tiene ocupada y lo más importante me permite hacer servicio. Me gustaría que los trabajos fueran más tarde al igual que el servicio, para hacer mi programa de japa y desayuno pacíficamente. Casi siempre debo hacerlo después de mis actividades.

Después de tiempo me conecto y quedo helada por las noticias de Chile, me solidarizo con la madre, me quejo de no tener asociación directa, pero mil veces prefiero sola, que mal acompañada o menos violentada. En una clase escuché que las madres deben hacer ejercicio para fortalecer las piernas, y nadie pueda tumbarnos. Ahora más que nunca creo que eso debe darse. Creo que mis quejas de soledad, son un chiste, en comparación de los problemas de los otros. Sigo dictando a una alumna un taller de los libros bases, el taller de la Surabhi azul, y el próximo año espero volver a enseñar BS, otros y estudiar. Cambios. Espero termine pronto la pandemia, mucho rato en solitario no creo que sea bueno para mí.

Su venida me da esperanza de cambio, asociación y familia.

Por favor sus bendiciones para fortalecer mi espíritu y determinación.

Su hija que lo adora:

Yugala Kishora Dasi. 



Pamho, dear Guru Maharaja I apologize for not writing to you long ago.

HpS/ ASA - The same for us!!

My times have been complicated since I found a job. I work online, three days a week in a school, that helps me to stay, it calms my mind, it keeps me busy and most importantly it allows me to do service.

HpS - Very nice. Meet people and share your Krsna Consciousness.

I would like the jobs to be later as well as the service, to do my japa and breakfast program peacefully. I almost always have to do it after my activities.

After a while I connect and I am frozen by the news from Chile, I sympathize with the mother, I complain about not having a direct association, but a thousand times I prefer alone, than in bad company or less violent.

HpS - Yes, was very, very, heavy. We hope that they can connect with Krsna's help for both of them!

Want to hear from them here.

In one class I heard that mothers should exercise to strengthen their legs, and no one can lay us down. Now more than ever I believe that this should happen. I think my complaints of loneliness are a joke, compared to the problems of others.

HpS - Yes, what happens to women in Africa is terrifying. Many places. ... but we are getting reactions to our own bad acts. Krsna only wants the children to learn not to hurt others. Ooof!

Let us take our medicine and go back to Krsna.

I continue to teach a student a basic books workshop, the blue Surabhi workshop, and next year I hope to teach BS, others and study again. Changes. I hope the pandemic ends soon, a long time alone I don't think is good for me.

HpS - I think Krsna is starting a program to end the industrialized society. We should expect that happy people will return to village based life!

His coming gives me hope for change, association and family.

Please your blessings to strengthen my spirit and determination.

His daughter who adores him:

Yugala Kishora Dasi.

HpS/ASA - Thank you solitary lionessa.