DTC We(21)

3 years, 6 months ago by hps in DTC

🐽 Oink! Oink!

🐵 Whoop! Whoop!

O(only) I(diots) N(eglect) K(rsna)!

FMP, Breakfast, SB class about Brahmara-gita! It opens a lot of more investigation for us.


1-hour with Jagat-guru Das from Santiago. News about the family and Yatra, especially some anxiety that M. Guru-govinda Dasi is feeling! We hope it can be resolved.

Rufus delivered some Boga for The Lord while we were on line.

Then half and hour with Bali-mardana Das about ISKCON Ministry of Education and upcoming Viplavah conference.

Then 1/2 hour with devotees in Houston about personal problems and Bh. Vai.

Then going for a walk with NgD and Dr. Desai with a new route and man named Fallon stopped his bicycle and asked us if there was a Sanga (Sangha) here. He said he saw us walking in our robes and hoped he would have a chance to run into us.

We talked for a while and gave him our address card. Hope he contacts us.

Then, letter writing. FEP online with Radha Natabara. then, now!!!! 😊 😊 😊

Thank you for the letters and news of your Sankirtan!!!

If we chant Hare Krsna we are all packed up together eternally.



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