Broke Up with My Conjugal Partner

3 years, 6 months ago by mercurio3 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaj!!

Please accept my Dandavats and Pranams!

All Glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga!

How are you? How’s your health?

HpS - I have a terminal illness - material body, and you? Your forefathers?? Yet by His Divine Grace, we have some, some, some little realization of the beauty of Krsna.

Well, finally we broke up with my fiancée. We we’re really discussing a lot and looking back in time I was really really unhappy.

My daughter is with her back in Cordoba city and I had to move to Buenos Aires with my parents. The first days were the most difficult but then I began to overcome the situation and began to feel really well, better than ever during the relationship.

Nanda Prana Gopal das (JPS) has been advising me so well regarding this issue that helped me to began getting through it.

Now all the legal stuff needs to be done, and hope I can learn a valuable lesson from all this.

Please Maharaj do give me your advice too. How can I get better the best way possible?

HpS - Follow Srila Prabhupada. He is personally present in his books. What does he say? What does he say? What does he say??






Chant Holy Names as much as possible! Then when you are tired take Prasadam, sing songs, read SB... Do Karma yoga, whatever you can do for Krsna eg. Make cakes, grow squash, conquer East Asia.

Hearing and chanting based on Holy Names and then Karma yoga!!

How can I be patient next time, if it happens, waiting for the right person for starting a relationship? How can I forgive? How can I see the good things that came out that relationship?

HpS - Your lover is waiting for you. Anxious for you to finish your prison term and get out of jail. Make a picture of Him and sing and dance for Him!!! ... Become an amazing person, so that you can be a tool for Him in His work (the Battle of Kuruksetra??)

Thank you very much once again in advance!




HpS - Thank you !!!!! Hare Krsna.... Hare Krsna!!!! Do great things for Krsna.

