DTC 17(Sa)

3 years, 6 months ago by hps in DTC









.............a ! Hrdayananda Swami is giving class on the Radha Natavara, local Yatra, Zoom account as we write. Full day. We stayed awake all night, last night, and then pushed through until class but started having more and more intense headache, so we rested instead of organizing the SB class. We talked to Upendra about the class and heard that Art Das organized, Upendra and Laksmana organized his presentation and Radhika ramana Das talked more about the Vedas Personified.

Everyday walking!

Today one and one-half hours of marriage counseling.

O.K. . . . Hare Krsna!

Hare Krsna!

"Radha pray to Krsna to engage us in His service".

