Chile News - They are creating a new constitution and it will be different

3 years, 7 months ago by in Other

Hare Krishna, dear guru maharaja,

It happens again, I lost everything here (this time was Ctrl+W). I'm a slower student. A headache starts immediately. But stop after to reconsider that is good because I was taking too much from your valuable time.

HpS - I don't think so. We all appreciate your association and association of your family.

Whe we erase everything it makes us think if the letter was important, and if we decide to write it again then we can do it better on the second try.

So, like I'm trying harder to go the bed early, but still, I want to write you something today I will go with bullets now.

  • Too much time without writing guru maharaj. My life is externally boring now. So I don't know what to tell you. But Maybe, internally is more active than before anyway.

ASA - Bahir nrsmho, hrdaye nrsmho.... Pushing to see Lord around us both inside and outside and our place in the dance!

  • I was invited to speak in IV Congreso nacional fenómeno religioso 2021 organized by the Universidad de Chile. The topic will be Communication between religions in times of crisis.
  • 16 rounds every day before go to the bed. One exception was like 10 days ago, paying the salaries of Madhu (10 devotees working now) and I slept only one hour and on the couch so is not completely a fault. Anyway, I chanted 32 rounds the next day.

ASA - You are a great hero. Wish we could follow you in many ways.

  • Rasarani loves books. From her gifts from birthday, she prefered hard this book instead of Britannica for Kids (in just 1 volume) fully of colour and an Encylopedia of Animals which came with a lot of photos on every page, a lot of pages.
  • She's after the devotional comics the whole day. Now I understand why we have too much despite the I don't like them too much. She is acting, performing and re-tell the stories after.

ASA - Wow!!! What will she do next? Is she Gabiela Mistral born again in Lord Caitanya's movement. 😁 These children may really surprise us

That's all, guru maharaja,.

I would like to be a decent disciple, guru maharaja. But at least I try to avoid giving to you extra work. I'm trying to do my part, but I know is not enough.

Hare Krishna. Please help all of us here, whom we are taking shelter under your guidance to keep increasing our Krishna Consciousness more and more.

Please accept my humble obeisances,

Your poor report from the South,

Jagad Guru Das

HpS - Was very, very nice to talk with you. Of course, it was pushed by this very bad incident of Piyari Mohan Das go psychotic, but was so nice to get news about so many other devotees. Hope they mention the Name of God in the Constitution. Put "In God we trust" on the money etc!!!