El Bhagavatam tiene razón

3 years, 6 months ago by Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Querido Gurumaharaja.

Por favor acepte nuestras respetuosas reverencias.

¡Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Continuando con mi informe, en un tema más personal, nosotros estamos bien dejando las miserias menores, estoy tratando de dejar las preocupaciones del mundo del contagio del virus, parte de mi familia en Perú también fue afectada recientemente, mi cuñado José, un hombre muy bondadoso, falleció porque ya tenía su salud débil, el virus fue un pretexto para un cambio de cuerpo, de igual manera fue muy triste. Cuanta gente muere, recientemente en un video un sacerdote decía "la vida se dió para buscar a Dios , la muerte para poseerlo".

Le tenemos miedo a la oportunidad de acercarnos a Dios porque él amor hacía Él tiene demasiado polvo. Glorias al sankirtana de Sri krishna que nos da la esperanza de perder el temor a la muerte.

Hay una frase muy famosa de Su Gracia Pankajanghri prabhu en el periodo previo a su partida " pensé que este cuerpo era una fuente de placer, una fuente de disfrute, pero el Bhagavatam tiene razón"

Después de su partida un devoto preguntó a Jananivas prabhu "Tantos devotos estaban orando, tantas pujas y oraciones. Aún así, Krishna se llevó a Prabhu Pankajanghri? ¿Por qué Krishna lo hizo? ¿Cómo entendemos esto?"

Jananivas Prabhu respiró hondo y respondió: "Krishna está mostrando cómo Él es el Señor Supremo Independiente".

Este año lo empecé con dificultades de salud, a finales del 2020 tuve una suma de estres fuerte, críticas de mi servicio que me llevaron a una tristeza profunda que se transformó en problemas físicos, estuve en urgencia en el hospital en pleno apogeo de covid y no sabían exactamente qué pasaba conmigo, sucedido que el estrés había desplomado mi sistema inmune y se activó un virus que me provocó una infección que afectó algunos nervios del brazo izquierdo, pensé que se iba a paralizar, mucho tiempo estuve sin poder usarlo, estuve con antivirales y medicina para relajar los nervios locales que me provocaban un desiquilibrio para dormir, malestar, siempre con dolores fuertes y analgésicos fuertes que parecían peor que la enfermedad, duró varios meses pero al fin parece que voy recuperando mi brazo que ya tiene nada más un porcentaje congelado pero poco a poco puedo asistir mejor a la Deidad, es la mejor fisioterapia que puedo recibir.

Ayer prabhu Prestha , administrador del restaurante del templo me ofreció prestarme un aparato electro estimulador, una vez recibí esa terapia y estuve con dolor fuerte por casi 3 semanas pero luego observé un pequeño pero favorable ganancia.

Todo esto me hace reflexionar como puede ser que el cuerpo se volvió cómplice de la mente y perdió la cordura de esa forma?, la medicina es la trascendencia, ruego por sus bendiciones por favor para tomar las dosis indicada y mi enfermedad verdadera se cure algún día. Porsupuesto es vergonzoso pero últimamente tengo que decirlo porque me piden participar en más servicios en el templo y aún no tengo el brazo al 100% pero mi mente se va fortaleciendo más y así como hundió al burro ahora debe jalarlo para purificarlo con el servicio a Krsna.

Prabhu Manash Ranjan le envía sus reverencias, el sigue entrando un día a la semana al altar atendiendo a Sus Señorías Goura Nitay yo le ayudo vistiendo a los Gurus y los detalles que hagan falta. La adoración a la Deidad es lo mejor para los grhastas, principios regulativos estrictos para poder tocar a las Deidades y canto de los Santos Nombres de Krsna sin devoción pero por ahora son nuestros upacaras básicos.

Disculpe por robarle el tiempo con estos temas. Usted nos da demasiado y me da vergüenza no poder aprovecharlo.

Su eterna aspirante a sirviente

Asta Sakhi dd


Dear Gurumaharaja.

Please accept our respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Continuing with my report, on a more personal issue, we are fine leaving the minor miseries, I am trying to leave the worries of the world about the contagion of the virus, part of my family in Peru was also affected recently, my brother-in-law José, a very kind, he died because his health was already weak, the virus was a pretext for a change of body, in the same way it was very sad. How many people die, recently in a video a priest said "life was given to seek God, death to possess him."

HpS - That's nice. For a devotee threat of death is mercy of God to focus on Him. Arjuna was in risk of death at every moment on the Battle of Kuruksetra.

We are afraid of the opportunity to get close to God because love for Him has too much dust. Glory to Sri Krishna's sankirtana which gives us hope to lose our fear of death.

There is a very famous phrase from the Grace of him Pankajanghri prabhu in the period before his departure "I thought this body was a source of pleasure, a source of enjoyment, but the Bhagavatam is right"

After his departure a devotee asked Jananivas prabhu "So many devotees were praying, so many pujas and prayers. Still, Krishna took Prabhu Pankajanghri? Why did Krishna do it? How do we understand this?"

Jananivas Prabhu took a deep breath and replied, "Krishna is showing how He is the Independent Supreme Lord."

HpS - Radha Krsna can go into the prison and see anyone. Who can stop them.

This year I started it with health difficulties, at the end of 2020 I had a strong sum of stress, criticisms of my service that led me to a deep sadness that turned into physical problems, I was urgently at the hospital in full swing of covid and They did not know exactly what was wrong with me, it happened that stress had collapsed my immune system and a virus was activated that caused an infection that affected some nerves in my left arm.

I thought it was going to paralyze, I was not able to use it for a long time, I was with antivirals and medicine to relax the local nerves that caused me an imbalance to sleep, discomfort, always with strong pain and strong analgesics that seemed worse than the disease, it lasted several months but at last it seems that I am recovering my arm that already has nothing more than a percentage frozen but little by little I can better assist the Deity, it is the best physiotherapy I can receive.

Yesterday Prabhu Prestha, administrator of the temple restaurant, offered to lend me an electro stimulator device, once I received this therapy and I was in severe pain for almost 3 weeks but then I observed a small but favorable gain.

HpS - ASA - Amazing. Amazing. We wish we could have been of some help during all this. I think you took great spiritual advancement from the experience. Great chance to become and eternally advanced devotee.

All this makes me reflect how it could be that the body became an accomplice of the mind and lost its sanity in that way? Medicine is the transcendence, I beg for your blessings please to take the indicated doses and my true disease is cured some day.

Of course it is embarrassing but lately I have to say it because they ask me to participate in more services in the temple and I still do not have my arm at 100% but my mind is getting stronger and just as it sank the donkey now it must pull it to purify it with the service to Krsna .

Prabhu Manash Ranjan sends his obeisances, he continues to enter the altar one day a week attending to His Lordships Goura Nitay and I help him by dressing the Gurus and the details that are needed. Deity worship is best for the grhastas, strict regulative principles to be able to touch the Deities and chanting the Holy Names of Krsna without devotion but for now they are our basic upacaras.

HpS - Yes, worshiping the deity together is so, so, so powerful to build a strong, strong, strong Grhastha community.

"We do it together. We see who is there."

Sorry for stealing your time with these themes. You give us too much and I am ashamed not to be able to take advantage of it.

HpS - Are you strong enough to take a role in the Mahabharata in your next life. If we need a Kunti or a Draupadi, can you do it? 😎 How much Krsna must love their help in His work! Would you like Krsna for your nephew? Waking up.

Maybe you will loose one arm and get four??? That would really impress the other Pujari's, no?!!

Thank you.

Your eternal would-be servant

Asta Sakhi dd