Buscando su misericordia

3 years, 7 months ago by miguel valenzuela in Personal Sadhana Reports


All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to Ss Hanumatpresaka Swami

Please Gurudeva, accept my humble and respectful obeisances at his lotus feet.

HpS - Lettuce feet.

Beloved gurudeva I remember that on your last visit to Mexico when you were in Cuernavaca, by your mercy we managed to have some association, it was very enriching because in particular I had not had that closeness with you, it greatly encouraged me in the plaza to lead a little The kirtan, that was something totally new, but at the same time wonderful, the one that despite my faults and total ignorance in singing injected me with enthusiasm and you sang along with me teaching me that everything is possible. Thanks for those nectar droplets.

HpS - I remember the Kirtan. It was very nice. Walking, chanting nicely, offering books to people.

From that moment I felt an injection of enthusiasm, on the other hand, thanks to the virtual tour, online classes and especially the mornings in sleeves and the association with you and the brothers has enriched our determination.

Thanks to the pandemic, each house is a temple and following the recommendations that you suggested a few years ago, our sadhana is to attend to our wife and son and little deities at home, get up to mangal arati, sing a little and a little reading. , offer food, however during the pandemic I lost my permanent job, so I am only giving emotional kinesiology therapies, this helped a lot to dedicate more time to my service at home, so we organize some festivals here at home, with my wife and child. And other festivals we went to the temple, for the experience was totally new, we felt how Krishna occupies himself in service, protects us and gives us his personal darshan, an intimate atmosphere with lord Jagannath.

On one occasion we managed to cook in the temple for Mr. Jagannath right in snana yatra it was incredible and wonderful to be able to serve Mr. Jagannath directly, he also participated helping the pujaris to prepare everything necessary for the bath in the festivals, I keep my service to save the clothes of His Lordships Jagannath, Balaram and Subhadra, Goura Nitay and Sri Sri Radha Pranabhallava which he carried out for the last 6 years, bathing and changing Srila Prabhupada took it 2 years ago and taking care of Tulasi devi at home, he who for the Grace of Krishna we have done for 5 years,

We continue to study Bhakti sastri online, with Prabhu Param from Argentina that started last year, and with Mother Chandramukhi from Peru, as I told you in another of my letters, I finished Upadesamrta, but maybe I will have to take Upadesamrta again. with the Prabhu Param. Our studies of Bachelor of Business Administration are going in 8 semester only 1 more left to finish the degree. So if Krishna wants, we will be finishing university and Bhakti sastri this year, please give us his blessing to open this mind that refuses to learn.

In the recent letter


It is mentioned to resume the process of initiations. During your visit to Mexico, I gave you the letter of recommendation from my authorities from the Nueva Nilacala Mandir temple in Guadalajara, Mexico. To take the second initiation, will it be necessary to reapply


 Another letter to the president of the Guadalajara temple? What else do I have to do, Gurumaharaja?

Sorry for the offenses, Your smallest insignificant would-be servant Mandali Bhadra das


HpS - Thank you!!! We will look for other letters from you, here and answer them, now. Process of initiation seems very confused now in Mexico. It seems M. Asta sakhi Devi Dasi has been helping all of us by pushing to take care of this!!!

Maybe you can contact her and see if she knows how things should be done.

As you describe yourself you are ready for Second Initiation so let us work out the details.