DTC 1(Th)

3 years, 7 months ago by hps in DTC


Hare Krsna // Hare Rama.

Dark outside.

Rained today, so the heat dropped, but only did 1/3 of our Walk and Talk.

Hawaii Class - Prep and Present. Was very satisfying to us. With a nice audience you can really take the time to develop your analysis of Srila Prabhupada's translations and purports. So, much Sastric reference, reason and argument there. It touches the heart.

Was the analogy of Maharaja Puranjana and his Wife (Intelligence).

Conversations on ISKCON Ministry of Education, BoEx, Atul K. D., Bh. Prabhava Swami, Hari-lila Das, R.K. Das.

So, many more devotees we want to speak with!

Piyari-m. Das, CCD-SubraDD, Jaya K. Das, ArtD. . . . . . 🙄

As soon as we chant HK/HR we are in contact, and whoever we should contact will be arranged.

Mrs. Desai sent a GREAT Raja Bhoga offering.

Now Krsna book and hot milk with sugar.

Tomorrow 7.30-9.30am = Chaitanya carana Das Monk's Podcast. If you want to listen while it is being recorded, then WhatsApp us for the link.

Srinivasa Das says that Art Das Prabhu is arranging the regular ASA SB class at the same time. We hope he records it.

Good night
