Hamlet and Arjuna

3 years, 7 months ago by hps in Special Category A

From Whatsapp:

Maharaj, what do you think of some book on "Shakespeare from a Gita perspective?" As a starting initiative, I am thinking of small 500 word article based on Shakespeare quotes: 100 words to set the context, 200 words to analyze universal human values and 200 words to present some Vedic spiritual / devotional message. Do you think this will have an audience?

ASA - AgtSP!!! paoho. I don't know about audiences too much. I think it would be best to try it and see how it works. Then adjust it if it seems useful for delivering the message of Sri Krsna Chaitanya






souls of Kali yuga.

What would you like if you got such a book?

Seems you would want to read it through once.

See it catch onto sig nificant pars of your life.

And then work with it more.

H a r e KRSNA!

A gateway.

A stimulus rather than a conclusion.