HK Maharaj! Please accept my most humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupad!
How r you? Where are you? How’s ur health?
HpS - The three most asked questions: I am immortal, part and parcel of Krsna. I am in a mortal body. My health is eternally great. My body is dwindling. Eyes are going. Won't be able to drive too much more.
I’m still here, alive and trying to survive. Life has been a little difficult with my fianceé but we managed to get along, finally we will get married very very soon, we need to make a new id for her so we can have our legal address here in Cordoba and then we have to book an appointment for legal marriage, still she wants to wait for the yajña marriage.
Im doing well at work, still designing and performing my community management duties.
Im chanting more japa, and reading regularly, I recently finished the Venu Gita, really loved it.
Im trying to get up earlier in the morning and do more service for the Buenos Aires temple, I’m helping them out with designing tasks.
My little daughter is every day bigger, she’s such a joy! Always smiling and happy, barely cries.
She’s about to be 8 months old these days.
best regards Maharaj!!!
HpS - Gosh. I cannot remember anything about you Federico!!! Have we talked? In BsAs temple? Are you two meters tall, 100Kg? Famous MMA fighter??
In any case, you sound like a very, very, very, v e r y, fortunate person. In the present time, most people are suffering like ANYTHING! They have complete identity crisis. They think that they must serve their tongue, belly and genitals.
No, like you are learning!! We must serve.
Thank you.
Hope to remember who you are??/