Regional Representantion Report 22

3 years, 6 months ago by Germán Vegas in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna dear Gurudeva

Please accept our sincere obeisances

Jay Srila Prabhupada!!

I am writing to you hoping that you are in very good health. Our prayers are always with you.

HpS - Thank you. AgtSP!!!!! ..... paoho .... Our health is O.K. We just have limited energy and we are trying to work for everyone's best interest in the best way we can. Thank you for your determination and tolerance. I think you must have a lot of help from your good wife?!

I tell you with joy that a Bhakti Vaibhava program is being organized based in ISKCON La Paz, being the administrator-examiner Mitravinda dd (currently representative of the ministry in Brazil and devotee with vast educational experience in the service of Dhanvantari Swami) and being LAD and Om Kesavaya prabhu official instructors. My role is limited to supporting coordination, especially in the first part of the process in which the file has to be prepared for BoEx approval. I believe that we must be prepared to receive those BS students who wish to continue with their studies. May Lord Jagannatha inspire and drive us always.

On the other hand, I have a question to ask you. I was listening to Caitanya Charan prabhu's interview with you last Tuesday. It is very interesting to learn to identify certain patterns present in the Gita resounding in other universal texts. You call archetypes that set of signs that characterize certain individuals and that represent the original paradigm of thought and behavior. Where do these archetypes come from? How can they be common to Hamlet and Arjuna? Is doubt human or divine? How are they related to rasa?

Thanks in advance for your reply


Gandharva das

HpS - Wonderful. Understand the student's natures and motives for studying and help them develop their service wonderfully. Expect a revolution.

Here is first time we know how the Priest/Magician, King, Merchant, Artesian/Laborer and described as part of the Virata Rupa. The VR is not just sensuous elements, it is also roles and persona that we can use, no? and also describe the details of the Varna ashrama archetypes, no?

Then, as you suggest, there is an analysis of Servant, Friend, Parent, Lover in the Nectar of Devotion etc. It is a big topic and hard to write in detail, yet we think we can clarify these things more and more until our hearts are clear and we can use these material elements for Krsna.

You will play Dhrstarastra in your next life?

For Krsna!!

I can play Sakuni??

😎 Let the games begin! 😎
