stock market- ASA view point ?

3 years, 5 months ago by harsh_horse in Special Category B

ASA-e; Stock Market [s/a] gambling

Hare Krsna Maharaj, PAMHO, AGTSP

This is in continuation on phone call we had. Harsh jumped in to stock market, because only way it seems he can serve temples is to donate money. Though it is not his forte, but that's what he can see as "dovetail" service and training he has got.

However harsh remember's that HpS said, "hope you get confused", now if that is a blessing, then we will leave the stock market, as it is not recommended by you.

can you please clarify the same.

jumping monito

HpS - Thank you!!! What I have heard from devotees directly involved with Srila Prabhupada in these matters, he was not opposed to intelligent capital investment. He set up long term investment portfolios to provide funds for Mayapura and Vrndavana ISKCON. If you invest the companies and their history etc then investment is not gambling, but if you buy speculative stock on uranium mines in madagascar, that is gambling.

Best luck.