Seeking Blessings for Marriage

3 years, 8 months ago by gauragadadhara in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaj, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to you.

HpS - ASA -- Agt The Assembled Devotees. So nice to hear from you after such a long time. AYou still a Dhama-vasi! Is that the result of all your years of austerity?

Greetings from Sridham Mayapur. I hope you and everyone are in good health.

Guru Maharaj, As conveyed by Laxmana-agra-ja Prabhu to you, The auspicious date for Yajna for my marriage to Vira Gopal Prabhu has been confirmed by the astrologer for 22nd of August 2021.

HpS/ASA - Jaya! (at 31-minutes)

I humbly seek your permission and blessings of all the Vaishnava's and God siblings for the same.

My future husband, who is a disciple of H. H. Krsna Kshetra Swami, is also desirous to introduce himself to you , please advise If that's o. k., and how he may establish communication.

Your humble servant

Gaura Gadadhara Dasi

HpS - Jaya! Yes, of course. We are very happy to talk with Prabhuji by What'sapp. Laksmana. a. Das has our contact number.

Of course, he will have to shoot the eye of the fish suspended from the ceiling to win such a valuable daughter in marriage, no?
