previous letter:
Hare Krsna Maharaj,
Bow, kneel,
we could understand your Indexing excercise..
we place a illustration for you:
In this example, several keywords will be used which are important and deserve to appear in the Index.Terms like generate and some will also show up.
generate, 1 Index, 1 keywords, 1 others, 1
Illustration explained
the terms are in blue are referred to index.
Question to asked to TB:
- The file, this is the actual index. Which should be output/suffix to some text.---- What is the preceding text
- Horse will compile all cat B letters, and a seprate index will generate for it. is that fine ?
may TB or his successors meet APA Director with this index.
ASA/UG - AgtSP this letter is to filled with secondary, local jargon. Just download the file in the archives, post the Category B posts according to the headings. Eg. asa-e, vad, stridharma; means it is for the asa encyclopedia, topic of vad, sub-topic stri dharma.