Aclaraciones sobre el Karma

3 years, 6 months ago by Nadiya Nivasi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Hare Krishna querido Guru Maharaja, acepte mis más humildes y respetuosas reverencias, quiero darle mi siguiente informe;

Los meses anteriores he estado cantando 16 rondas, y siguiendo los 4 principios, este mes de junio tuve deficiencias en mis rondas que no llegué a 16 rondas, los gayatris estoy cantando una vez al día, los ekadasis si los he estado haciendo bien. No estoy adorando mucho a las silas por esta deficiencia, Prabhú Gadai es el que tiene este servicio más fijo.

También quería manifestarle un deseo a largo plazo, quizás de aquí a un año y medio o dos años de tener un hijo, siento en querer realizarme como mujer y madre en criar a un niño en conciencia de Krsna, he estado teniendo mucho contacto con mis sobrinos que ahora veo a los niños y me causa ternura.

Por otro lado no he estado bien de salud, mi sistema inmunológico está muy débil, los dolores de cabeza son fuertes aveces. Mi padre tuvo una discusión con su hermana, ella quiere apropiarse injustamente de la herencia que les dejó sus padres, así que salí en defensa de mi padre y les estoy ayudando a hacer respetar sus derechos. Mi padre es muy contemplativo y dadivoso con su hermana que ahora ella se quiere aprovechar de su nobleza, y mi hermano siempre fué una persona muy fácil de convencer y diplomático. Así que como mujer tengo que sacar carácter para hacer respetar a mi padre.

Por otro lado quería hacerle una pregunta, es sobre el karma, he estado muy mal emotivamente, ya que tengo un karma muy difícil, porfavor ayúdame:

1° Es verdad que las actividades espirituales que tenemos es sólo para nuestro avance espiritual y que el karma que tenemos tiene que seguir la función

2° Como devotos como podemos afrontar el karma negativo que traemos de vidas pasadas, a veces sentimos que teniendo tantos años de devotos no mejoramos

3° siendo devotos el karma no desaparece ¿Qué debemos hacer?

4° Cómo convivir en toda nuestra vida con nuestro karma negativo

Gracias querido Gurudev por su asociación, volveremos a conectarnos en mangala artik con Ud. necesitamos asociación de su persona y de los devotos. ¿Cuando viene a Perú?, me gustaría conversar con Ud. en persona.



All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

Hare Krishna, dear Guru Maharaja, please accept my most humble and respectful obeisances, I want to give you my next report;

The previous months I have been singing 16 rounds, and following the 4 principles, this June I had deficiencies in my rounds that I did not reach 16 rounds, the gayatris I am singing once a day, the ekadasis if I have been doing them well. I am not worshiping the silas much for this deficiency, Prabhu Gadai is the one who has this more fixed service.

I also wanted to express a long-term wish to you, maybe a year and a half or two years from having a child, I feel like I want to fulfill myself as a woman and mother in raising a child in Krsna consciousness, I have been having a lot of contact with my children. nephews that now I see the children and it causes me tenderness.

On the other hand, I have not been in good health, my immune system is very weak, the headaches are sometimes severe. My father had an argument with his sister, she wants to unfairly appropriate the inheritance that her parents left them, so I came out in defense of my father and I am helping them to enforce her rights. My father is very contemplative and generous with his sister that now she wants to take advantage of her nobility, and my brother was always a very easy to convince and diplomatic person. So as a woman I have to draw character to make my father respect.

On the other hand I wanted to ask you a question, it is about karma, I have been very bad emotionally, since I have very difficult karma, please help me:

1 ° It is true that the spiritual activities that we have is only for our spiritual advancement and that the karma that we have has to follow the function

ASA - Yes, if we are initiated devotees and following the standard.

2 ° As devotees, how can we face the negative karma that we bring from past lives, sometimes we feel that having so many years of devotees we do not improve

ASA - We have to ask ourselves: Am I really taking shelter of Krsna? If I am a mixed devotee then He cannot really take full responsibility for my Karma. He will always try to help us become pure devotees.

3rd, being devotees, karma does not disappear. What should we do?

ASA - "diksa kale, bhakta kare..." cited in NoI. At the time of initiation (really 2nd) Durga passes the ropes of our Karma to Radha, and then She manipulates only for our purification and active service to Krsna.

4 ° How to live with our negative karma throughout our lives.

ASA - It is impossible. It is not our nature to be in the external energy. We can never learn to "live with" even after millions of lifetimes. Only solution is to become a parama-hamsa.

We can do it. Just have to decide (again and again) to do it. We are that powerful. If you can breath you can chant. Then 1,728 Mantras is done.

Thank you dear Gurudev for his association, we will reconnect in mangala artik with you. We need association of his person and of the devotees. When are you coming to Peru? I would like to talk with you in person.

HpS - Our schedule is in the Calendar in the Kapi Dhvaja each month. 🙂 🙂












HpS - Perfect!!!!


Santa Nadia of Peru.