FMP - Manuel's 3rd report

3 years, 7 months ago by manuel in Special Category A



ALL GLORIES TO SRILA PRABHUPADA !! and his loyal and dedicated disciples like you.

Since the previous report to date we have had four meetings, two with the technical team and two with the communications team, then we had a very good joint meeting of both teams with Filmmaker Raúl Zevallos (mother Vrisabhanu-nandini and Ambarisa also participated , the meeting lasted almost three hours).

An important point of the meeting with Raúl was to define the conceptual framework of the Film: THE DEFINITIVE JOURNEY is based on the perspective that the life of SS Hanumatpresaka Swami is a practical and inspiring example that comes from the lineage of devotees consecrated to devotional service for pleasure of the Guru and Krishna.

From that point of view, the film seeks to glorify the Parampara because its objective is to show and demonstrate that spiritual success is based on pleasing the Guru and Gauranga. Based on this perspective, the characteristics of the SS HpS personality are shown: humble, merciful, erudite, austere, transparent and truthful, all of this well kneaded with a good dose of joy, irony and fine humor. Our initial goal is to make a 3-5 minute trailer for the month of July.

HpS -ASA - We disagree violently. 😎 More below.

Right now we need to gather as much information as possible about the life of SS HpS. If someone from the community who reads and writes in this blog has photos, videos, writings, anecdotes, audios or any material that they consider valuable to be used in the film, please write to us at: [email protected]

HpS - ASA - We really like this title: DIARY OF A TRAVELING CREATRURE - The Ultimate Trip. Is it bad in Spanish? Viaje Ultima? "Definative" is very booring, technical word in English.

Next it is Hanumatpresaka lila. Hanuman looking for Sita to give Her Rama's ring and message, and then take back Sita's Crest jewel and Her message to Sri Rama.

Trying to build bridges between the world of Rupa Goswami and other eg. C. G. Jung. and Bh. Siddhanta Sarasvati. Exchange goods.

Huber Robinson is one personality, HpS another, but Srila Prabhuapada, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami is the most prominent personality through them and Tom Brown, Buck White, Uncle Gismo... It is the Diary of Tom Brown et al looking for Sita... Yes, a trailer!

What we have to offer to Sita is coming up at YouTube, ASA Audio Visual.


On the other hand, as we said in report No. 2, in this report, we are going to complete the responses of the members, who were absent.

1st question: What is SOLARIS for you?

NITYA KISORI D.D. / It is a preaching with an inclusive approach, which challenges us to communicate our philosophy in academic terms to audiences with other beliefs. We must learn to demonstrate the value of our tradition, and be willing to exchange ideas with others, without seeking to impose our beliefs. People we come in contact with are not necessarily going to become temple devotees, but they can be enriched by a credible exposition of the Vedic Vaisnava tradition.

ASA - So nice! We would suggest " academic terms ..." is O.K. if we look at it like Plato's Academy, where Drama was one of the principle subjects, no?

RATI MANJARI D.D. / SOLARIS connects us with the University, this is of utmost importance now for the growth of ISKCON. It is the opportunity to present the importance of our knowledge and the Culture of our spiritual Tradition. It is a means of academic presentation with a new perspective and image.

ASA - Same as Nitya-kishori DD. University is O.K. if it includes Bernardo Nantes university and Ivan Rodriguez of Ricardo Palma's idea of university.

JITENDRIYA D. / SOLARIS represents for me one of the testimonies of Gurudeva's work. It is one of the extensions of his thought and personality and of his vision with respect to the spiritual and temporal world, the call to the intelligences to build a future where tolerance and respect are unshakable principles. It will be one of the vehicles to achieve the permanence of the knowledge of Guru-Maharaja, surpassing space and time even in the absence of his creator on this material plane.

ASA - Wow!

2nd question: What is your motivation and perspective to be and stay in SOLARIS?

NITYA KISORI D.D. / Serve and please Krsna. Please my spiritual master and Srila Prabhupada. Please my older brothers who occupy me in service. Associate with devotees in the context of devotional service. Stay connected to practical devotional service and preaching. Learn to present my ideas in a meaningful way to any audience. Demonstrate the intellectual and philosophical value of our tradition. Expand the impact of our philosophy for the spiritual benefit of all.

RATI MANJARI D.D. / Gurudeva is our Sun, that is reflected in the magazine. This service represents a privilege for me because I can serve you directly. Another point is the Sadhu sanga with the devotees.

JITENDRIYA D. / I am motivated by the mercy of the Supreme through Gurudeva, because this service is something unexpected. To be able to develop the talents and knowledge sometimes dormant in the service of my Guru is a great motivation. The youth, energy and qualities of my sisters and brothers are also a motivation for me because teamwork pursuing the same cause is a spiritually rewarding experience. I hope to continue learning from everyone and to be able to serve my teacher effectively and consistently through his work.

Please excuse the delay in the report, next time I will start writing my report 2 days before ekadasi and I will send it on the same day of ekadasi.

HpS-ASA -- Ha! Ha! Ha! I also, "will" to complete the KDh more timely, and it is improving, but our "will" is so small. Real but small. It hope that Krsna wills that we get the work done on time.

That's it for now, thank you very much, HARE KRISHNA

HpS - ASA -- We see Solaris as meant to follow the DTC-UT.

Very important. We should do one part focused on Quixote, no? For this we can hopefully get full support from Ramon Mujica and the Fundacion Real Cervantes, no?


Desde el informe anterior a la fecha hemos tenido cuatro reuniones, dos con el equipo técnico y dos con el equipo de comunicaciones, luego tuvimos una muy buena reunión conjunta de ambos equipos con el Cineasta Raúl Zevallos (también participaron Vrisabhanu-nandini y Ambarisa, la reunión duro casi tres horas).

Un punto importante de la reunión con Raúl fue definir el marco conceptual de la Película: EL VIAJE DEFINITIVO se basa en la perspectiva de que la vida SS Hanumatpresaka Swami es un ejemplo practico e inspirador que proviene del linaje de devotos consagrados al servicio devocional para el placer del Guru y Krishna. Desde ese aspecto la película busca glorificar el Parampara porque su objetivo es mostrar y demostrar que el perfeccionamiento espiritual se basa en complacer al Guru y a Gauranga. En base a esa perspectiva se muestran las características de la personalidad de SS HpS: Humilde, misericordioso, erudito, austero, trasparente y veraz todo eso bien amasado con una buena dosis de alegría, ironía y humor fino. La meta inicial que tenemos es hacer un tráiler de 3 a 5 minutos para el mes de julio.

En estos momentos necesitamos acopiar la mayor cantidad de información acerca de la vida de SS HpS. Si alguien de la comunidad que lee y escribe en este blog tiene fotos, videos, escritos, anécdotas, audios o cualquier material que considere valioso para ser usado en la película por favor escribanos a: [email protected]

Por otro lado, tal como dijimos en el informe No. 2 en este informe vamos a completar las respuestas de los miembros que faltaban.

1era pregunta: ¿Qué es SOLARIS para ti?

NITYA KISORI D.D. / Es una predica con enfoque inclusivo, que nos desafía a comunicar nuestra filosofía en términos académicos para públicos con otras creencias. Debemos aprender a demostrar el valor de nuestra tradición, y estar dispuestos a intercambiar ideas con los demás, sin buscar imponer nuestras creencias. Las personas con las que tengamos contacto no necesariamente van a volverse devotos de templo, pero podrán enriquecerse con una exposición fidedigna de la tradición védica vaisnava.

RATI MANJARI D.D. / SOLARIS nos conecta con lo Universitario, esto es de suma importancia ahora para el crecimiento de ISKCON. Es la oportunidad de presentar la importancia de nuestros conocimientos y la Cultura de nuestra Tradición espiritual. Es un Medio de presentación Académica con una nueva perspectiva e imagen.

JITENDRIYA D. / SOLARIS representa para mi uno de los testimonios de la obra de Gurudeva. Es una de las extensiones de su pensamiento y personalidad y de su visión con respecto al mundo espiritual y temporal, el llamamiento a las inteligencias para construir un futuro donde la tolerancia y el respeto sean principios inamovibles. Será uno de los vehículos para lograr la permanencia del conocimiento de Guru-Maharaja sobrepasando el espacio y tiempo incluso ante la ausencia de su creador en este plano material.

2da pregunta: ¿Cuál es tu motivación y perspectiva para estar y mantenerte en SOLARIS?

NITYA KISORI D.D. / Servir y complacer a Krsna. Complacer a mi maestro espiritual y a Srila Prabhupada. Complacer a mis hermanos mayores que me ocupan en servicio. Asociarme con los devotos en el contexto del servicio devocional. Mantenerme conectada al servicio devocional práctico y a la prédica. Aprender a exponer mis ideas de una manera significativa ante cualquier público. Demostrar el valor intelectual y filosófico de nuestra tradición. Expandir el impacto de nuestra filosofía para el beneficio espiritual de todos.

RATI MANJARI D.D. / Gurudeva es nuestro Sol, eso se refleja en la revista. Este servicio representa un privilegio para mí porque puedo servirlo directamente. Otro punto es el Sadhu sanga con los devotos.

JITENDRIYA D. / Me motiva la misericordia del Supremo a través de Gurudeva, porque este servicio es algo inesperado. Poder desarrollar los talentos y conocimientos a veces adormecidos al servicio de mi Guru, es una gran motivación. La juventud, energía y cualidades de mis hermanas y hermanos son también una motivación para mí pues el trabajo en equipo persiguiendo una misma causa es una experiencia espiritualmente gratificante. Espero seguir aprendiendo de todos y poder servir de forma efectiva y consecuente a mi maestro a través de su obra.

Disculpe la demora en el informe, la próxima vez comenzaré a escribir mi informe 2 días antes de ekadasi y lo enviaré el mismo día de ekadasi.

Eso es todo por ahora, muchas gracias, HARE KRISHNA